Chapter 1

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Nali POV

            Atlanta , born & raised . But it's where I lost everything , myself , my dad , my mom & my respect . My 17 years feels like it's just gone to waste & my life just barely started . My dad died when I was 9 , it was the worst day of everyone in my family life . My dad died in a car accident while picking up my mom from work late at night . It was raining so hard that day you cold barely see outside , but my dad wasn't gonna let my momma take no bus . Her car broke down , so she called him , he picked her up & on his way back home , a car missed the stopped sign and hit my dad's car . My momma had only broken her leg , but things were fatal for my dad , obviously . Everyday after that my momma blamed herself , she went deep into depression she turned to drugs , she even stopped going to work . My grandma had to step up and start paying  the bills in this house & she didn't even live here . A year later my momma met her boyfriend Tyrell . Tyrell was my momma drug dealer , she moved him in as quickly as possible & they both just started to get high & drunk . He bought in big bills to benefit our family so his way of us paying him back was getting next to me .

               One night my momma was passed out on the couch & my little brother was sleep , I had just gotten him to sleep so now it was my turn . Tyrell came into my room to have a talk . He tol me how he thought I was so pretty , as he rubbed me up , starting from my legs , to my private , then to my little breasts , then the rest is history .

            "Nali getcho ass downstairs you gonna be fucking late for school" my mother yelled from downstairs . I finished spaying my purfume & grabbed my kenkan bag & headed to my brothers room . "hey papa you ready to go to grandma house ?" i siad picking him up while grabbing his paw patrol backpack , '' yes nali , I can't wait to play with grandma ! we going to the movies today afterschool" , i just giggled at his excitment . Zayne is 5 , he is is kindergarden , he goes to grandma house & then he goes to school from our house every monday . We walked down the stairs and I saw my mom smoking a cigarette while watching tv , i was just about ready to walk out the door until she yelled , "so yo ass not gonna say bye , well fuck you too then" and she laughed , i just rolled my eyes said bye and walked out the house . I had to walk just a couple of blocks to reach my grandma house . When I reached , I kncoked on the door and she opened it with the biggest smile .

" aw my beautiful babiesssssss come in , come in" she said as she stepped aside .

"grandmaaaaaaaaa'' zayne ran into her with the biggest hug , she made a soft laugh and bent over and kissed his cheek .

you may be wondering why don't I just live with my gandma , well my mother refuses to let us move in with her & plus my grandma doesn't know about what Tyrell did tome , I plan on keeping it that way .

" nali baby you okay ?" she said waving her hand in my face , i snapped out of my daze and laughed it off

"yea grandma im fine , but im gonna be late for school see you friday '' i said giving her a hug and a kiss , and doing the same with zayne . Zayne spends the week with grandma so it's easier for us with the whole cummute . Then zayne has the weekends with me . I don't want zayne in the house while all of this is happening , I need him to be safe .

I then left and started to talk to the bus stop . I went on my phone as I waited for the bus to come , I went on instagram and just started scrolling . I don't even post myself I don't know why I have this app but I do follow some funny people just to put a smile on my face.

The bus finally came and as I got on everyone was just looking at me , Im not much of the mean type so I just went to a seat and put on my headphones .

We finally reached school & I saw my boy bestfriend Sincere hop out of a benz , i be wondering where he gets all this money from cause i know his parents is not buying him that .

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