Chapter 6- Discovery

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"What is it, Taylor? Please tell me. I want to help."

"I can't tell you!" Taylor yelled. "It's for the best! For both of us."

"I don't want to see you like this-" Ed tried to comfort her, but he was interrupted.

"Stop. Trying. To. Pry!"

"Alright, I'll just leave you alone then!" Ed's tone was stern. "I just don't want to keep secrets, that's all!" He stood up, walked out and slammed the door.

Taylor had never felt such anger, sadness, and confusion. She hated doing this to Ed.

"I don't want to live like this anymore! It's not even living! This is all such a mess..." Taylor said to herself.

She lifted her hand off the pillow. The world spun around and around.
She fell to the ground, cursing the world inside her head.


Ed ran outside the house. He bumped into someone who felt so familiar, but who he had never met before. Maybe it was somebody that Taylor knew.

"Uh... Can I help you?" Ed was getting a bad feeling about him.

The man pushed past him. It actually looked like less of a man and more of a young adult.

"Hey, what're you doing? You're not allowed inside, if that's what you wanted."

"Well, since you're not going to let me in..." The male had a British accent and curly hair. "Tell Taylor that I said hello. "

The curly-haired man ran away.
Ed shook his head. "What a weirdo." But deep down, he was terribly concerned for Taylor- who was this man, and was he going to hurt her?

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