Chapter 9- The Good Old Days

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Taylor remembered days when she was younger like it was yesterday.

Even though some terrible things had happened, they were things she didn't want to forget. She wasn't one to forget the bad; she wanted to learn from the past.

She missed the past. Before everything changed. Before dreams had been crushed, and before everything crashed down.

Was there a perfect life? Taylor didn't know. But that was what she had always strived for, and she held onto this.

"Taylor?" Ed said. "Did you hear me?" It seemed like Ed always brought Taylor to the present.


"I said, the bonfire's all set up for tonight. We can go hang out. K?"

The bonfire! Taylor had forgotten. She was excited to finally play her beloved guitar...

So the hours passed, and it was finally night. The fire flickered in the darkness, and Taylor had always thought fire had looked like a dragon. It was a confusing analogy.

Ed brought out the guitar that Taylor had asked for, and in perfect timing. When Ed went in to grab marshmallows, Taylor began singing.

This love is good
This love is bad
This love is alive, back from the dead;
These hands had to let it go free and
This love came back to me.

"Did you write that?" Ed sounded astonished.

Taylor blushed. "Well, yeah, I did. It started as a poem."

"Well, it's great." Ed smiled at her. "But let's sing some campfire songs!"

Taylor handed the guitar to Ed and he started strumming like crazy. He even started singing the Campfire Song from Spongebob.

Taylor smiled. She knew she would miss him the most of anyone.

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