Chapter 7- Malice

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Harry never knew how to touch without scarring.

He knew, however, that Taylor was still out there somewhere. She was too... What was the word? Tough. Durable. Yet she had always trembled in his hands. That was Harry's favorite part of the relationship, or what was left of it. The dominance. The fear.

The first thing that clued him in was his instinct. Literally. He felt her presence. Harry asked around, and everyone said that she was staying with Ed Sheeran. How needy, he thought to himself.

He felt only a slight regret for abusing Taylor. If he hadn't, he would've had more time to relax. He also would've had more time to play poker.

Harry was, to many people, the most malicious person on the planet.

Somebody had to stop him. But it wasn't the right time, so that "somebody" had to wait.


"Who was that?" Taylor's eyes were all blotchy.

"Some guy with curly hair and green eyes. Very green."

Taylor's eyes widened. "Did he leave his name?"

"No, but he said... He said..." Ed hated to put more weight on her shoulders.

"What is it?" Taylor's electric blue eyes were burning into his.

"He said for me to say hi. To you."

How would he know? Taylor thought to herself.

"Oh, well, I don't know anyone like that," Taylor lied. "I wonder how he got my name."

"Yeah. I wonder." Ed knew now that clearly she was lying- this had to be someone from her past.

"Well, don't go searching for him. He's probably just some creep." Taylor nervously laughed.


The next morning, Ed made sure to get up earlier than Taylor. Which wasn't hard, because for some reason she wanted to sleep in.

He went to the city park and asked around. "Have you seen a man with curly hair and green eyes around here? Possibly asking for a girl named Taylor?"

One said that he had come to the hoboes at the park (including him), asking about Taylor. The man had seemed quite angry and bitter.

"Oh, thanks. Well, see you later. By the way... Did you tell him where Taylor was?"

"Sure we did! Everyone around town knows you're stayin' with Taylor. Word gets around," the hobo said.

"Gee. Thanks," Ed said. The sarcasm was notable.

"Well, it's old news! I was just tryin' to help out a feller townsperson!"

"No, it's fine. Goodbye, sir." Ed sighed. You couldn't trust anybody here.

He walked all the way home and pulled out his keys. Before he could open the door, it opened from inside.

Taylor was standing there. "I see you've gone out so early. What for?"
Ed stammered. "I-ah... Y-you see, I was just getting some... Coffee! Yes, coffee at the store." He knew that Taylor would be mad if she found out he had snuck out.

"Ok, where is it? I'm dying to have a cup."

"You see, it kinda got smushed on the way home, so I threw it away."

"Oh, Ed. I know you've gone to find out about Ha- I mean, that strange man. You don't have to. It's fine."

"Well, I'm concerned about you. He seemed dangerous. Sort of."

"Seriously, I bet he's just a weirdo. Now c'mon in so we can have breakfast muffins. I just made them!"

But Ed didn't want to give up just there and then. He knew he'd have to continue this just some other time.

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