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Walking through the hallway I started to get self concious of the thought of everyone finding out my real identity. Ever since we moved here in the begining of my 9th grade year ive been a physical girl, I mean ive always been a girl upstairs but physically its been the last four years. Questions always arise as if people were to find out the truth.

What is wrong with you? Can't you be normal? Why do your parent let you do this? How do relationships work? Can I wear your wig?

And the list goes on and on and on.

After that tid bit of nesauating spaced out thinking i turned the corner into my first period when I imideatly get slapped in the face with a councilers form from my teacher. "Come immidiatly" was printed in bold on the top of the slip. I reajusted my backpack and set out to the office where awaiting was a schedual change form.

When I went into my new first period the first thing I heard was a loud bang apon my entrence. As I aporched the teacher with my new classes I notice out of the corner of my eye a fairly attractive guy stairing at me wide eyed. I then realized this was the boy that owned the beautiful green eyes that staired at me from the bus earlier today. Does he know im really a boy... how could he? Was the only thing running through my mind in this moment.

Of course the only empty seat was infront of him, the boys name was Derek. As I go closer to him I realized we were some what matching. All black jeans and shirt with red shoes and a red accessories and identical backpacks. Great, the new girl and the hot boy matching, awww how cute...

The entire class I could feel his eyes flicker from my head to the desk and back. He was writing furiously, Was I what he was writting about? He knows... Im sure of it.... I got uncomfortable in my seat. How long has he known? Who is this boy... How much does he know?.... Will he expose me?... I started to freaked out and have a mini panick attack. With in that time he had put the writing back in his backpack, there was less than two minutes left of class.


I couldnt go to my second period so I went to my car instead. I dropped my back pack into the passanger seat and turned on the air so I could breathe. I went to grab my water bottle from my backpack but grabbed something that wasnt mine instead.


Take the androgen twice a day between meals for treatment on hypogonadism.

Side effects: Ichiness, allergies, unexplained erections. Do not take if you are already on previous medication. No children under tweleve should not be in reach of this drug. Do not take if you are nursing or pregnant.

What is Axiron.... That's all I could think. So I pulled out my phone and headed straight to google.

Hormone pills.

I grabbed Derek's backpack......

Oh shit....


I threw the pills back into the backpack as I saw the edge of a paper with some words scribbled on it. I pulled it out and read "She's Perfect" over and over again. I put the paper back and closed the bag. I sat for a moment freaking out on the inside wondering what to do.

Realizing what needed to be done I grabbed the bag and hurried to the front office to find out Derek's second period.

"Excuse me Mr. Black may I see Derek with his stuff please, it's an emergency."
Mr. Black just looked at me sighed and called for Derek.

"This young lady requires your presence for an emergency. I'd understand if you were to not return."

He had a confused look on his face as I thanked Mr. Black and told him to follow me. I lead him to my car as I listened to his sneakers rushing to keep up with the click of my heels.

"Where are we going..." He asked me still puzzled.

"My car. We need to talk." I heard him gasp slightly.

As we got to my car he sat in the front with my backpack on his knees.

"I have your backpack" I flat out said

He's eyes shot open wide as he snatched it from my giving hands. And just starred down at his feet.

"Did you find them" he muttered. I slowly nodded and told him it's okay and his secret is safe with me.

"Do you want to know the rest of the story?" He looked at me with doe eyes seeming like he was going to cry.

"You don't ha-" he cut me off.

"I was born a girl." He spoke "physically" he paused. " I never actually was a girl though. I always dressed as a boy and acted like a boy. I started taking them at the age of 12 and my parents got the money to have my surgery the summer before ninth grade. Because of that we are dirt poor and it's all my fault. And I don't understand why I'm opening up to a stranger but nobody else knows and now everyone will."

I starred at him with admiration. I wish I was half the person he is.

"I won't tell a soul." I smiled at him and gave him a hug. He didn't let go for a little while and the rest of second period we sat in my car telling story's and laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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