Master Nico

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I tried


Previously in Fused Shadows: Might be longer than expected, but I'm still coming for you biiiiitch

Nico's POV

I yawned stretching out my arms as I woke up, I looked around to see that Jason was no longer in my room. Groaning I rubbed my eyes rolling on my side closing my eyes at the light coming through the window.

Looking up I saw my phone and huffed, I guess I should text Leo and tell him that I am alright.

Powering on my phone I saw that I had only one new message from him that was sent a day ago, I raised an eyebrow and opened it.

Super-sized McShizzle: Ready or not bitch here I come.

My eyes widened as I jumped out of bed and changed into some new clothes, rushing out of my room I ran down the hall.

What does that mean? Does he know where I am?

I sped out to the kitchen to see it empty, odd it only 8am shouldn't it be breakfast?

Feeling confused I walked out of the room planning on heading back to my room when I passed the lounge room. I heard voices, 7 voices to be exact and one of them sounded quite familiar.

I opened the door, more harshly than I probably needed to. Everyone in the room snapped their attention to me and I scanned the room until I spotted a mop of brown hair.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Grumpy himself." The male smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "What are you doing here Leo?"

"Ow, how you wound me!" Joked the Elf as he stood up and walked over to me, "I am only here because you have been ignoring me for the past 2 months."

"I have not been ignoring you... And how did you even know I was here?" I asked amused as he pouted.

"Ehh slipping a tracker into your phone wasn't that hard," Leo said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

I groaned, "I should have known you did something to the phone."

"Excuse me, but what the fuck?"

Alfred's POV

~1 hour earlier~

I was dusting the lounge room with when suddenly the doorbell rang.

Tim looked up from the couch, Dick looked in the room from the kitchen, Jason who had just started coming down the stairs rubbing his eyes froze and glared at the door and Damian stared at the door.

I moved from where I was standing to answer the door, Dick ran off to get Bruce. Looking through the peephole I was utterly confused, outside the door was a lanky teen.

Curiously I opened the door and smiled, "Hello young man."

The teen smiled shyly, "Sorry for disturbing you, but is Nico here?"

I raised my eyebrow and dodged the question, "May I ask who you are and how do you know Master Nico?"

Jason perked up and was listening intently to the boy.

"Oh! I am Leo and Nico is my- family friend? It is complicated." Laughed Leo, as he scratched his neck,

I nodded somewhat believing him, "Well Nico is still asleep, but do you want me to go wake him up for you?"

Leo shook his head, "Nah if he is still asleep then he probably had a nightmare... Could I wait here until he wakes up?"

I hesitated and looked back to see the whole family, minus Nico, standing in a somewhat protective stance.

"Of course..." I let him in and he let out a deep sigh, "Just go sit inside the lounge room, and would you like anything to drink?"

"No thank you sir, and again I am sorry for being a bother. Nico hasn't answered his phone in around 2 months and I was starting to worry." Laughed Leo nervously.

How polite, I lead Leo into the lounge room where everyone was gathered, as soon as the boy sat down he was bombarded with questions.

I gave everyone a glare telling them to shut up and give him some space, Damian didn't get the memo.

"Who are you and why are you here?" growled Damian. Leo just... Laughed... in his face.

"Hahaha Nico is a- family friend, I am here because he hasn't been answering me..." Replied Leo looking uncomfortable and bouncing his leg up and down. Damian glared at him and huffed, Jason was about to talk when the door slammed open.

Everyone's eyes snapped to the door to see a wide eye, Nico.

Leo smirked, "Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Grumpy himself."

Nico straighten himself up and rolled his eyes, "What are you doing here Leo?"

"Ow, how you wound me!" Joked Leo as he stood up and walked over to the other teen, "I am only here because you have been ignoring me for the past 2 months."

"I have not been ignoring you... And how did you even know I was here?" mused Nico as Leo pouted.

"Ehh slipping a tracker into your phone wasn't that hard," Leo said as he wrapped an arm around the emo teen's shoulders, fearlessly.

Nico let out a groan, "I should have known you did something to the phone."

"Excuse me, but what the fuck?" Questioned Jason, I was going to correct his language but I opted against it.

"I have to agree with Master Jason," I said as I looked at the odd pair of friends,

"What did you tell them?" glared Nico, Leo raised his hands in surrender.

"Whatever do you mean, Master Nico?" Said Leo dragging out the 'a' in master.

Nico shuddered and stared at him with a blank face, "No, never do that again."

Leo snickered and Nico grabbed his arm pulling him out of the room, "Leo and I have somethings to discuss, we will be back for lunch."

"O-okay..." said Bruce dumbly, as the twos boys walked down the hall everyone got out of their shocked states.

"I swear I just saw Nico smile..."

"What was that about?"

"Family friend... That was defiantly not true... Related maybe?"

I groaned internally and went back to cleaning, "We can question them later, okay?" I saw the boys get up and try to leave the room quietly as possible, "Also no ears dropping in on their conversation!"

(A/N: Is it gay to kiss the homies?)

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