Chaper One

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'...and that, is why the Great Depression aided the rise of Hitler'
Mr Pritchards voice droned in the background as I gazed out the window to the dull, September skies, daydreaming of how just a couple of weeks ago it was the summer holidays.
A hard back copy of The Rise of Hitler 1923-34 slammed on the desk in front of me.
'Ah, Mr Turner, first term back in your most important year of schooling and you're still daydreaming in my lessons? What a surprise' Mr Pritchard said sarcastically.
'Oi, Pritchard. Don't take it personally, Alex daydreams in everyone's lessons tha knows' Jamie called from the back of the classroom.
'Thankyou for your input Jamie, next time I need my lesson teaching I'll come to you. But for the time being, shut your trap' Mr Pritchard shot back, pointing his ruler at Jamie who was cackling at the back.
'Ooooooohhhh' the whole class hollered.
'Anyway, class pack up. Your homework is to write a 20 marker on the Munich Putsch. I would like it in by Thursday' Sir shouted over the noise of the class packing away.
I shoved my history book into my back pack before getting up and tucking my chair under the desk.
I stood by the door, waiting for Jamie, Matt and Andy who were sat at the back.
'What a foookin wanker' Matt muttered, shaking his head.
'Innit, history's shite' Jamie said, getting out a fag and lighter from his pocket the second we were outside despite still being on school grounds.
We made our way across the playground to the PE department, dragging our feet and taking puffs from Jamie's cigarette.
'So, you all been practicing your guitars? We were gonna form a band remember' I said.
'Don't be banging on 'bout that foookin band again mate, we got the guitars, we can start practicing later' Andy said.
'I ain't got a guitar, what am I doing?' Matt asked, looking at us.
Jamie shrugged 'dunno, you can play the drums that's all that's left. Me and Alex are on guitar, Andy's on bass, Glynn is supposed to be singing but he's a bloody slacker so you will have to play drums'
'Fine by me' Matt shrugged.
'James Cook! Put that cigarette out at once!'
It was Mrs. Anglestein, the meanest teacher in school.
'Aight, aight' he said, grinding it on the pavement.
She stalked off 'too many rough kids in this school' she mustered under her breath, shaking her head.
'Who the fuck is she calling rough?' Jamie thundered, his cheeks burning pink.
'Everyones rough to people like Anglestein, don't worry bout it mate' I said reassuringly, we weren't rough, everyone thought we were bloody rough.
We pushed open the double doors into the boys changing rooms.
'Cook! Tuner! Helders! Why are you late? You're on in 5minutes' said Mr Pass, the football coach.
We all shrugged and he rolled his eyes at us.
'Here, put on this football kits' he said, chucking us red shorts and long sleeved footy shirts.
We unraveled them to find they were covered in mud.
'I ain't wearing these, they're caked in shit' Matt said, holding his up in disgust.
'Well sorry princess, do you need me to hand wash them? Man up Helders, bit of mud never hurt anyone. You're supposed to be on the pitch now so stop whining and get changed' Mr Pass demanded.
Me, Jamie and Matt all stripped off and got into the offending red number.
'Aight we'll see you lot. I'm off home. Good luck with the footy' Andy said, patting us all on the back.
I watched him leave and wished I could leave with him.
The three of us walked out into the back field as it started to rain.
'Aw fuck this man' Jamie groaned.
'Oi! You three! Hurry your arses up we're about to play' Mr Pass called from the top of the field.
We jogged up and attained our positions. Jamie centre and me and Matt defending.
'Aight Nick' I nodded at the goal keeper. His name was Nick O'Malley, lived about two minutes away. Me and him always got along, both of us being pretty quiet.
A whistle rang out, signifying the start of play.
'So, about this band, we need to get together and practice' I called over to Matt, as he watched the ball intently as our strikers passed it back and forth.
'Yeah, we do. Ask Glynn when he can' Matt shouted, pointing to Glynn who was warming up on the side lines.
'Oi, Glynn ! Wanna practice for the band sometime soon' I asked.
'Nah mate. I ain't doing that' Glynn replied.
'I ain't being in the band no more, ain't my thing' he shrugged.
'You can't bloody do that Glynn. What are the rest of us supposed to do?' Matt asked angrily.
'Dunno, not my problem. Get Jamie to sing' he suggested.
'Jamie can't sing for shit'
Glynn shrugged his shoulders, averting his attention to the game so he wouldn't have to talk to us.
'Bellend, wouldn't want to be in a band with you anyway' Matt shouted abusively.
'Yeah, you'll regret it when our band gets proper big and famous like the strokes or summit' I called.
'Yeah, you have just as much chance of making it big as I have of being queen of England, none' Glynn shouted, getting angry now.
'Nah, we're gonna be the next Oasis, just you wait man' Matt laughed.
'Oh really, what your bands name then?' He asked knowing full well we didn't have one.
'Jamie! What's the band called again?' Matt asked.
'Arctic Monkeys! Always wanted to be in a band called that' Jamie shouted, before chasing the opposing teams centre.
Arctic Monkeys? Where the fuck did that come from?
I looked over at Matt who shrugged.
'Yeah, Arctic Monkeys from High Green Sheffield, remember that Glynn' Matt said.
'Arctic Monkeys? Gayest name I ever heard. You don't even have a singer' he said menacingly from the sidelines.
I looked at Matt, waiting for him to say something, say he would be the singer. But he just looked as stuck as me.
'Yeah, we do. I'm the singer' I said, before remembering I couldn't sing.
Actually, that was a lie, I sang a lot. In the shower, when I was doing my homework, when I was helping my mum around the house. I just hadn't ever sang to my mates before. I was shy, really shy. The thought of singing In front of them made my toes curl.
'Yeah, Alex is our new singer. So fuck you Glynn' Matt said, sticking two fingers up to him, from which I copied.
Suddenly, the ball was kicked down our end and me and Matt had to focus on the game.
'Alright then, Arctic Monkeys from High Green, I'll remember that, though I doubt I'll have to' Glynn shouted.
'Oh, trust me mate, you will' I said.
Now, making this band a real thing was a matter of honour.
(A/N hey so I hope you like this new fanfiction, sorry about deleting No Buses I just was not feeling that anymore. Anyway, this one should be better as it's arctic monkeys around our age ayy, this chapters pretty poor but I've written another one and will publish it after I've gone through and edited some stuff, but please read/vote and COMMENT it makes my day.
I also wrote this on a bench in a park in High Green and I was getting super emotional over these four boys.
Thank you so much for reading 💘)

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