Chapter 2

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'My baby likes to ride the train...'
I attempted at singing. I wish that my voice wasn't so thick and Yorkshire, it didn't sound anything like most bands.
I angrily strummed my guitar. I couldn't write songs properly, I couldn't sing properly, I wasn't even sure how my guitar playing was. Glyn had quit, Jamie wouldn't practice and until today Matt didn't even know what instrument he was playing.
You could say arctic monkeys was going to shit before we had even played a song together.
I shrugged my guitar strap off and placed it on its stand. I stood back for a moment to admire it. Sure, it wasn't an amazing guitar, but it was mine, and I planned to get far with it.
I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Around the walls of my room I had up posters of my favourite bands. I was kind of into hip-hop I guess, though Jamie was big on indie-rock and had started to get me into it as well. Along with my posters of Roots Manuva and Run DMC I had started to put up some of The Strokes and Oasis, two bands I was heavily inspired by. I liked how Oasis came from the depths of Manchester, a band made up of lads on the estate who were in a band. We could be like that.
I heard laughter out side my window and kneeled up to the ledge.
'Oi! Alex, you off out then?' I heard Jamie's voice call through the black air as he, Matt and Andy stood under the street lights, kicking a ball back and forth.
'Yeah, alright. Give us a minute' I shouted back down.
I jumped of the bed and shoved my feet in my Adidas trainers and pulled on my Fred Perry wind breaker.
'Im just off out with Jamie n that for a bit' I shouted to my mum as I jogged down the stairs.
'Alright, be back by 10 it's a school night Alex' she replied for the kitchen, where she sat marking students German coursework.
'Will be, tha knows' I replied, before slamming the door behind me.
'Olrightt?' Andy asked, as I joined the, on the streets and we started making our way towards the shops.
'Yeah, yeah. What we up to this weekend then?' I asked, looking around the group.
'Ain't smithy having a party or summit?' Asked Matt.
'Yeah, I could get us invited. Sit next to him in maths don I?' Jamie replied, as we walked under the lights of the chippy.
'Fuck it's Jennifer and them lot' Andy said under his breath.
Fair enough, Jennifer Marr and her gaggle of friends were all stood outside the newsagents, sharing a spliff and chatting, looking over in our direction.
Jennifer Marr was supposedly the fittest girl in our year, though unreality she weren't all that. Hair was brutally dyed a yellowish blonde colour, she wore loads and loads of that stuff girls coat on their lashes and had massive jugs. Every boy in the school fancied her.
'Fuck me it is. She's so fit, man. Let's see if she's off to smithys on Friday' Jamie said, pushing his shoulders back and swaggering over to the girls.
'Y'all right Jennifer? Y'all right girls?' Jamie asked, smirking at them in what he thought was broodingly.
'Not too bad Jameh and yersel' she asked, blowing smoke in his face.
'Yeah, I'm alright. You off on Friday then?' He asked
'Course, smithys parties are always proper messy. You lot off?' She asked, nodding at me, Matt and Andy as we were awkwardly stood behind Jamie.
'Yeah, lookin forward to it' he nodded.
'Right well, smithys house always has lots of empty rooms so, I'll meet you there? Have a dance n that?' She suggested, stubbing the but of the spliff on the floor.
'Yeah, yeah. Sounds good darlin' Jamie smirked, raising his eyebrows.
'Cool, well we're off. See you round boys, see you on Friday Jameh' she returned his smirk, before wiggling away with her friends under the street lamps.
Jamie turned to us, his mouth in a perfect 'O' shape.
'Did you fookin see that?!' He asked in amazement, eyes twinkling.
'Mate, you're so in there' Andy said, patting him on the back.
'Ohmygod she's so fit. I can't believe I'm getting with Jennifer Marr' he laughed, shaking his head in amazement.
I nodded and smirked. I was happy for Jamie, it's just I didn't think Jennifer was that fit, or that nice. And trust me, I wasn't jealous. I had gotten with her before, it's just no one knew. In the summer there had been this mental party that Jamie had managed to get us invited to, everyone got so off their heads on drugs and alcohol and kids were staying out dancing in the back garden in the hot summer night till 6am. Through the messiness, I some how ended up going to one of the upstairs bedrooms with Jennifer and now every time we saw each other she would look away.
I didn't tell the others because in all honesty Jennifer was a massive slag and I just found it embarrassing that I was another boy on her long list of affairs.
'Right Andy, you're getting the drink' said Matt
We were stood outside the dodgy off licence, about to have a row over who was to go in and buy us some drink. Luckily, it was never me as I looked the youngest by a mile.
'What? Why me?' Andy protested
'Because you're fat as fuck, have facial hair and a deeper voice. You look about 30 mate' laughed Jamie.
'Well you can fuck off' Andy said, shoving Jamie.
'Just stop being a pussy and go in there wanker' Jamie recorded pushing him right back.
'Oh for fucks sake fine, give me your money' Andy sighed, holding out his palm.
We all reluctantly digged in our pockets and got out some coins.
'Cheers, and if I get barred from here you have to buy me alcohol for the rest of my life' he warned, tipping the change in his pocket.
Me, Matt and Jamie all waited outside. Jamie kicking the wall, Matt cracking his knuckles and me of course, daydreaming.
'So you reckon you can get us an invite for Friday then?' Matt asked, turning to Jamie.
'Yeah, he's already told me bout it couple of weeks back, we'll be fine' he replied.
'You gonna get off with Jennifer?' I asked, looking up at him.
'Er, are you retarded? Of course I am! She's fuckin fit as' Jamie laughed.
'Yeah but, she's not very nice'
'To be quite frank I couldn't give two bollocks as to if she was nice. I ain't marrying her, just gonna get off with her'
I shrugged and looked away. I wondered if girls were the same about boys, Jennifer certainly was.
'Right, not sure if he believed me but the place was dead so he served me anyway' Andy said, coming out of the shop and chucking us each a bottle of cider.
We all caught them and thanked Andy, before heading off to the park.
'You know, I reckon year eleven could be an alright year for us' Matt contemplated as he sipped from his bottle.
'Yeah, think this years the year we finally might get some girls' Andy said.
I thought about it and realised I really could not want any of the girls at my school, unless some pretty girl who cared about more than what party she was going to go to next and wanted to talk and do stuff more than just wank me off.
'Innit, this could be the year Arctic Monkeys get some pussy' Jamie laughed
'Arctic Monkeys ain't even had a band practice yet' I laughed
'Yeah, we'll practice tomorrow though' Matt settled.
I couldn't help but feel excited as we walked through the streets of high green, finally making some plans for the band I had waited so long to be apart off.

(A/N so I hoped you liked this chapter, I'm about to post another one in a couple of minutes or whatever I just didn't want it all in one chapter because it's different time zones n thattt
Thankyou for reading/commenting/voting (my wattpad doesn't let me reply to comments but I do see them and I love to get them) 💕💕

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