Chapter 3

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'Listen, I know it's not ideal for you but it's what's happening. I've told you time and time again that your complaining is not gonna change anything. So shut it Molly'
I rolled my eyes out the window. Fucking twat. I'm originally from London, one of the greatest cities in the world. That's my home. I didn't want to move to fucking High Green Sheffield, from what I could tell it was a simple, chavvy, small suburban town on the outskirts of a rather boring city.
'I know you're going to miss your friends, lovely girls. And I know you'll miss going to a private school...'
Again, I rolled my eyes and smirked out the window. If only he knew. I hated that school and those girls, they were just my subterfuge for above the surface. Beneath the surface, my nights that were thought of as being spent at an all girls sleepover were being spent at a party on the other side of Camden Lock, or in the bedroom of a boy who was too old for me.
'I still expect you to keep up your good grades...'
I winced at that one. I knew I was smart, but I cheated on almost every test. Why? I guess I didn't think school was important to me. I had more important things to worry about like what the fuck I was going to do with my life, apart from fuck it up.
I sighed as we drove down the motorway, away from all the walls I had built up back home. I was going to miss my home in Chelsea, where I would step outside the door and be on the bank of the Thames, a minutes tube ride away from the centre of London.
Everything was going all right for me, I was getting by in London, despite some minor issues I was going through. But then, my dad decided he had enough of flogging art in London and wanted to move to Sheffield. I don't know what possessed him to believe that living in Sheffield could be better than living in Chelsea in London. As he grew up in Sheffield, he claimed he had turned into a 'ponce' from moving to London and selling art, and wanted to go back to his old ways.
It was clear he was having a midlife crisis, and he didn't seem to realise that him moving back to Sheffield wouldn't turn him into a teenager again.
Despite it all though, I loved my dad a lot. He was a twat, yes. But he was the only person I ever truly loved in this world, it had always been us two together. I hate how as soon as I turned into a teenager I started doing things behind his back and lying, but I had to do what I had to do to have some fun in my black and white world.
'Anyway, your new school is the very same one I went to when I was your age' he said proudly.
'Whats it called?'
'Stocksbridge High School, not as academic as your old one but you'll have a laugh'
This was one of the reasons I loved my dad, he was one of the few people who could see that sometimes in this world it's just about having a good time.
'Is it chavvy?'
My dad paused and pulled a face.
'Well, after living in Chelsea probably yes. But still, you're going there'
I laughed and returned to looking out the window, I tried not to think of what I was leaving behind.
'What's happening to all your girlfriends whilst we're up here?' I asked
I looked over at my dad, his eyes flickered and his grip intensified.
'I haven't got any girlfriends' he said, not looking me in the eye.
'Yeah, you do. The Asian one, the blondes, the one who always wears really loud high heels and you can hear it when she walks down the hall to your bedroom, the one with messy curly hair and the cheekbone-'
'Molly! I turn a blind eye to what you get up to in your personal time and would appreciate it if you could do the same' he snapped.
I held my hands up in an act of defence 'I just want to know what's going on' I muttered
'Nothings going on, this is why I'm moving you away from London for a while, to get a way from all that fake drama. Up north there's non of that, no fakers. It is what it is...'
I let him drone on in the background as he did his 'I <3 Yorkshire' spiel, his northern accent coming back with each word.
I wasn't bothered anymore. I couldn't be arsed with this. I just had to put up with moving here for a couple of months until my dad realised what a shit hole it was and we moved back home. I could do that.
In the meantime, I had to watch out the window to the sound of my dad's rant as the motorway gradually turned into fields with cows. I hadn't figured out how I was going to survive without the buzz of London.
I hadn't figured out how I was going to survive in high green at all.
'It's horrendous'
I stood and looked at the reflection in the mirror, it was a Wednesday morning and my first day at Stockbridge Highschool. I had only gotten to Sheffield yesterday.
The uniform was fucking dreadful. Now, I'm not a fan of uniform at the best of times but this was something else. Grey tights with a grey pleated skirt, a red polo shirt and a blue jumper. Why? Why would you wear primary red and primary blue together?
'It's not that bad, anyway everyone will be wearing it' my dad reasoned from behind me.
'Yeah well, it's alright for you. What are you even doing today?' I asked, pouting and crossing my arms.
'Fuck all. My days at school are over darlin' he laughed, ruffling my hair.
I noticed that as soon as we had moved here his Yorkshire accent had gotten stronger, it was getting on my nerves.
'Right, I'm off to this absolute shit hole you're forcing me to go to' I said in mock despair.
'Need a lift?'
'Nah, I'll get the bus. See you'
As soon as I stepped out the door I lit up a fag and blew the air out my nostrils as I walked down to the bus stop. I had gone into the city centre late last night, and was mildly impressed. There was enough I could get up to on my own as I had never been the best at making friends.
Just as I got to the bus stop the bus arrived, meaning any spontaneous plans to bunk off would not go through.
'Does this bus take me anywhere near Stocksbridge?'
'Yeah, yeah. Drops yer outside the Highschool, get on darlin' the bus driver said, aggressively jerking his thumb.
I mooched to the back row of the bus, immediately bagging a window seat and sticking some gum in my mouth.
Some days I was the happiest person on earth, other days I didn't want to leave my bed. I changed my mood so much it scared me, and any optimism I had experienced this morning was clearly short lived.
I raked a hand through my hair in worry. Until now I hadn't actually realised I would be coming to school. I kind of just thought I would skive off like I did in London and do the work at home. I couldn't be arsed with being the new girl. I liked standing out, but today I wasn't feeling it.
We past a run down row of shops
High Green Newsagents
High Green Off-licence
High Green Post Office
I sat up a little straighter, so this was the infamous high green Sheffield, where my dad grew up.
The bus shuddered to a halt and I looked out the window.
On the pavement, four boys were stood wearing my uniform with hoodies and windbreakers over the top, huddled together and kicking the floor.
One of them was quite fat, with shaved brown hair and an easy smirk. He was laughing at what one of his friends was saying.
Another one had curly hair, with puffy lips and acne. He looked like a laugh, as he made his friends smile and shake their heads with whatever jokes he was telling.
One had blonde, fluffy hair and rosy cheeks. He seemed the cockiest but a lot like the kind of boy I would hang about with back home. He kept jumping on his mates backs and ruffling their hair.
Lastly, there was a boy who looked slightly in his own world, with brown eyes and matching brown hair and a prominent nose. He was messing about with a yo-yo and was surprisingly good at it. He laughed at the right moments and responded to his friends teasing but looked as if he was somewhere else, dreaming of somewhere better.
Straight away I knew I wanted these lads to be my friends.
The doors to the bus clattered open and they all shuffled on, their hoods pulled up tight to fight off the breeze.
Immediately I fluffed my hair and stuck a naughty glint in my eye and smirked like I had a secret, I knew boys loved that kind of thing.
I quickly glanced over to where they were all stood at the front of the bus buying their tickets and generally causing a fuss.
The boy with the yo-yo and brown eyes was staring right at me. Instead of looking away, I held his gaze for a moment before watching him blush and look at his feet.
Suddenly, the bus jolted and the four boys fell on top of one another.
'Oh for fucks sake man, every fookin mornin' one of them moaned, before they moved off to the back seats.
'Ay up Jameh, looks as if some little minx is sat in our seats' the boy with the curly hair smirked, leaning against the bus pole.
'I see she 'as, I'll take a seat here thankyou' the blonde haired boy smirked, jumping in the seat next to me and sticking out his hand.
'I'm Jameh Cook, pleasure t' meet you darlin' he smiled, his cheeks reddening and his grin spreading.
I gratefully shook his hand 'Molly' I replied.
Jamie smiled at me, his bright blue eyes twinkling.
'Right next to me 'ere is Matthew J Helders the Third' Jamie said proudly, releasing his hand from mine and throwing his arm of Matt's shoulders.
'Aight Molls?' Matt said, shaking my hand and giving it a little squeeze and winking at me. I liked the way he called me Molls, something about his smile and stance made me feel welcome.
'Aight Matt?' I replied, imitating his accent and making him chuckle.
'The fatty next to him is Andy Nicholson' Jamie said, pointing down the seats where Andy was sat next to Matt.
Andy nodded and smiled at me shyly, before looking at his phone.
'And right there on the end bein a right mardy bum n that is Mr Alex Turner' Jamie said finally.
Alex snapped out of his trance and looked down the line at me, before smirking like we had already met. I raised my eye brows at him in a friendly manner and as soon as Jamie's back was turned he raised his eyebrows and made a face which indicated that he was sorry for his friend and we would talk later.
I smiled to myself as I looked down the row of boys. I had met plenty of groups of lads before, groups of laid back boys were the only friends I ever had back home. But these were different. There was something that I couldn't quite pin, they were so stereotypical, normal, ordinary it made the conventional. So completely un-original they were original.
'So then molls, where you from like?' Matt asked.
I hesitated. I knew that some northerners despised of people from down South, i could well imagine these four barring me off. But then I remembered I wasn't going to be intimidated by four acne-decorated boys in Adidas hoodies from high green Sheffield.
'London, yeah, missing it like' I said sadly, suddenly a wave of homesickness for the big smoke hit me.
Matt, Jamie, Andy and Alex looked at me sympathetically and awkwardly.
'Yeah, but you'll have a right laugh up here yeah? We'll look after ya tha knows' Matt said enthusiastically.
I laughed and shook my head. With the trouble I was bound to get into, I doubted this lot could look after me.
Still, I returned an easy smile and nodded. I was a girl of few words a lot of the time. Normally if I opened up to anyone I would be mocked or frowned upon, so I just kept my thoughts in my head. Yet, when you're with four, smirking, jostling teenage boys who seem to have the world at their feet you can't help letting your personality come out a bit.
'So you all up for band practice after school? 'Bout time we actually played at least one song or summit' Andy said, slipping his phone in his pocket and turning to his mates.
Suddenly, Alex sat up and looked like he was actually in High Green and not wherever he was daydreaming of.
'Yeah, yeah. I've been learning the chords to You Only Live Once by The Strokes. It's a fairly easy song like, I can do the entrance part and if you could learn the rhythm guitar part of it Jameh...' Alex said enthusiastically, his big brown eyes swirling like stars in his head as he talked about his beloved guitar.
'Alright, alright alex, calm the fuck down mate. We ain't gonna be able to mimick the fucking strokes I only just learnt my first couple of chords the other day....' Jamie said dismissively.
'What? Jameh for fucks sake come on man, we have been trying to get this fookin band you labeled with a wank name on track for weeks now, can you just learn how to play the fuckin rhythm guitar to The Strokes' Alex said angrily, leaning forward and knocking Jamie over the head.
Jamie shoved him right back and it looked like a fight was going to break out, before they seemed to forget what they were fighting about and Alex playfully ruffled Jamie's hair, before returning back to where he was sat and gazing out of the window.
But wait, a band? For the first time in my entire life I think I felt a blush spreading across my cheeks. Of course, I had hung about with bands before. For fucks sake, my dad used to be the lead guitarist in one and I travelled around the world with them at 2 years old. And obviously the kind of parties I went to in London were crawling with bands. However, all of those bands were full of posey, slightly over feminine wannabes with straw coloured hair and trench coats, singing songs with cringey lyrics about love when they didn't know what love was and playing chords that didn't flow the way they should. Either that or they were complete punks with gelled spiky hair and eye liner, which was even worse in my opinion.
But these four, they were what real bands looked like. Four mates from a dodgy British town who wore trakky bottoms and went out after dark to mooch about on the streets.
I watched, already fond as the four of them squabbled over where they were gonna practice.
'Whats the name of your band?' I asked.
They all turned to me, surprised at how I was acting genuinely interested in them.
'We're the Arctic Monkeys' Jamie said, proudly rolling up his sleeves.
'Don' ask me how we've managed to get stuck with tha' Andy said, rolling his eyes.
'I told yer, I saw it on a fookin poster or summit and thought it sounded pukka, so stop yer fookin whining and grow a pair. Can't change it now can we? It would be, what's it called, bad luck or summit' Jamie said.
I giggled and shook my head 'arctic monkeys is a sick name Jamie' I said, patting his shoulder.
Jamie laughed and turned to his friends 'see? Molly thinks it's a class name, and she's from down south, they got class down there' he said, pointing expressively.
Alex, Matt and Jamie all groaned, rolling their eyes.
The bus stopped abruptly and the four boys started to get up and make their way down the isle, oblivious to the minor mental breakdowns I was experiencing from having to walk in to this absolute shit hole.
'You coming Molly?' A kind voice said in its warm Sheffield burr.
My eyes flickered up to see Alex staring down at me kindly with his big eyes, eyebrows furrowed in concern and out stretching a hand to help me up.
I stared back at him. I wasn't scared of drugs, all night parties in rough areas of London, walking around the city late at night by myself, 20 year old boys who tried to go a bit too far with me, getting kicked out of school or ruining my life, so why was I scared of this pathetic comprehensive?
I wasn't, I don't scare easily. I regained my signature sly smirk and took Alex's hand. As I said before, my dad would soon realise what a dump this place was and in the blink of an eye I would be back home in Chelsea, bunking off with my old mates and running away from drug raids.
But then I felt the warm sensation of the brown eyed Sheffield boys hand in mine, and wondered if I really wanted to leave?
'It's wank, but you'll get over it' Alex said in a low voice as we boarded off the bus.
I stood between Alex and Jamie as we walked in a straight line through the school gates. I noticed the four of them had the same way of walking, heads and shoulder back, hips thrust out, hands in pockets. They looked slightly ridiculous but it cheered me up.
'Just you wait fer it Mr. Hansen will have a fookin go as soon as he sees me' Jamie said, almost proudly.
As if on cue, a teacher who I can presume was called Mr. Hansen, also known as the head teacher, came round the corner and his face curled into a scowl at the sight of Jamie.
'Ah, Mr Cook, delighting us with your presence I can see. Not like you did on Friday, when you were supposed to be in detention' he said sarcastically.
'Yeah well, sorry 'bout that like. Had other stuff ya see' Jamie said cockily, clearly no stranger to his head teachers threats.
'And what is more important than my detentions?' He asked, as if he had all the time in the world for poor Jamie's excuses.
'Had band practice Sir' he said.
Mr Hansen raised his eyebrows. 'What band is that?'
'Mine, Alex's, Matt's and Andy's sir. We're the Arctic Monkeys'
Mr Hansen rolled his eyes so expressively they could've fallen out of his wrinkled head.
'Of course you are. You see boy-' Mr Hansen started to say, before his eyes landed on me.
I have to admit, I probably didn't make the best first impression. I had my face screwed into a glare, my skirt hitched up and my arms crossed. True moody teenage style.
'Ah, and you must be Molly Harland, the new girl. Pleasure to meet you' Mr Hansen said, stretching his hand out for me to shake.
I stared at his hand with raised eyebrows, before gingerly shaking his hand.
'I wish the feeling was mutual' I said sourly.
Immediately all the boys made 'oooh' noises behind me, and Mr Hansens face was a picture.
I expected him to shout at me, give me detention or, even better, kick me out.
But no, he just sighed and shook his head, before placing his hand on my back and steering me away from the boys.
I stared in alarm as his hand inched down my back and turned to the boys who were urgently mouthing 'PEDO!' At me.
I jumped out of his grasp and he shook his head at me.
'Now Miss. Harland, I understand from your father you will have had a troubled past, and maybe you never settled in London. But fresh start and all of that, I think it's time you put the past behind you and got on with your life' Mr Hansen said.
I stared, appalled. I didn't have any problems with my past, infact, I planned on carrying on the same as I was doing so. I wasn't going to let some sick old man who thought he owned me because I was unfortunate enough to be the next poor sod who had to attend his school tell me other wise.
'Actually Mr Hansen, with all due respect, please fuck off' I said, in the politest way possible.
Once again, the four boys erupted behind me, making hollering noises and laughing.
Mr Hansen looked furious, he stared at me with such a hatred and I could completely relate on how terrible he was finding our first time meeting.
He lifted a finger to silence the boys.
'Cook! Helders! Turner! Nicholson! Class! Now!' He barked, and the four boys finally took the hint and scurried into the building.
'Oi! Molls, save you a seat at lunch yeah?' Matt shouted, doing a thumbs up to me across the playground before the doors slammed behind him, sealing him inside for an eternity.
Mr Hansen turned to face me, his face bright red with anger and it took me every muscle in my body to not burst out laughing.
'Im going to go easy on you since it's your first day and you're clearly miss behaving as you're shaken up. But I don't tolerate this behaviour in my school Miss Harland, and if it carries on you will be joining Jamie in the detention room, am I clear?' He hissed, getting right up in my face.
For once, I took the hint and kept my mouth sealed, nodding silently.
'Good to see we have an understanding' he said, straightening his cheap suit.
Mr Hansen pointed at the doors to the school 'go in those doors and to the room on the right, you will be sitting a test for your abilities so we can set you. Hurry along now Miss Harland, your time here's just beginning' he said evilly.
For a second, a felt a moment of triumph. Before I remembered I had to attend this wank place for the foreseeable future.
As I strolled over to the doors, children staring at me curiously out of the windows to which I cockily waved at, I thought of Alex Turner and his group of monkeys.
It's safe to say, Sheffield was going to be a laugh.

'Right, so your house on Friday then?' I asked my mate Jack Smithson, or 'Smithy' as we knew him as we sat in the science bench, burning carbon or summit like that.
'Yeah, you lot are invited. And who was that girl you were with this morning?' Smithy asked, trying to light up a cigarette in the Bunsen burner.
'Oh that were Molly, she's a laugh' I said, taking a puff.
'Shes invited too, she were well fit. Tell her I'm expecting her' He said.
'Jamie this isn't The Boardwalk night club put that fag out at once' Mrs Clifford, the science teacher called from across the room.
'Aight, aight' I said, stubbing it out.
'So 8:00pm your house on Friday?' I asked.
'Yeah gonna be a right piss up' he confirmed.
I smirked, Friday was looking like a good one for us lot so far.

(A/N hey so I hoped you liked this chapter sorry it took so long to update and sorry it's a pretty long chapter for me.
Thankyou for reading/commenting/voting, it's all appreciated even though wattpad doesn't let me reply to comments xxxxxxxxxx💘💘)

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