chapter 7 new ships and broken hearts

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Serena's pov

Kian and I are getting closer and closer by every second. He is down stairs right now with Sam. I have been hanging  out with them alot ,its kinda weird how much I do. Well any way I met another friend after the whole lunch insident. Her name was Sol Jaylenne Falcon (one of my bestfriends in school). She is super sweet, caring, trustworty and so much more. Im actually on my way to go hang out with her and her boyfriend Cameron Dallas at starbucks(yes sol i did that for u).

I canged into a black crop top with sunflowers on it, ripped high waisted jean shorts black converse and accessories. I put my hair into a high  pony tail grabbed my phone wallet and went downstairs.

I asked Sam if i could use his car and he said yes but to come back as soon as possible cuz he has a youtube thing. I said okay and asked if they needed anyting. Sam said he wanted a mocha cookie crumble and Kian wants a kit kat frapichino

I left and drove the 5 mins to starbucks. I walked in and saw Jaylenne she doesnt like to be called Sol for some reason.

I saw her and cam in a booth waiting for me. I was about to sit down when they got up and told me to come on line with them. I followed. It wasnt that long of line which was good. I noticed that Jaylenne and Cam were holding hands and acting all lovey dovey. I honestly love thier realationship and how thier not afraid too show the world they love each other.

It was our turn now and we all ordered. Cam got a caremel frappe Jaylenne got a flan latte and i got a vinilla bean frap with whip cream and caramel. We sat in our booth and talked. I found out that "JAM"(thier ship) has been going on for a year. I honestly ship it sooo hard.

Like its not even funny.

Before i left i got sam and kians drinks.

I said my goodbyes and left. i got into sams car and began to drive. I began thinking about school tomorrow and what happened on Friday. The thoughts went away and i pulled into my driveway. I went inside and saw that sam was asleep on the couch and kian left a note that said

Dude dont you dare tell Serena i will littarlly kill you, when she comes can you tell her to stop by house to leave my drink.

            From your bestest bro,

I decieded not to think about the note too much. I decided to go ahead and bring Kian his kit kat frap. I went next door and knocked on his door. His mother opened the door and i greeted her. She told me kian was upstairs in his room. I softly knocked on the door . I couldnt believe my eyes. I dont know why  I felt so bad. Kian was sitting on his bed, shirtless and making out with Andrea. I dropped his drink on the ground. Thats when he noticed me and i stormed out crying like crazy. He was dating her why did I feel so bad. Do I like Kian?

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