28- Erza vs Eilora

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The weak and battered brunette wizard floated high above the shrieking Sabertooth, as down below on the ground blonde girl lay motionless on the ground covered in burn marks and bruises.

The celestial wizard's teammates called out frantically to her trying to get a response but got nothing as a reply.

Wendy sprinted towards her yelling "Hold on! I need to give her special emergency treatment!"

"I'll help you!" yelled Shelia, as she runs to the fallen girl as well.

The two little girls combined their healing powers and tried to give Lucy the strength to wake up.

"Natsu, Grey, Erza... get Lucy and everyone else below out of here now!" Eilora called to them, as her drive for revenge started to overpower her body and magic. The three all swiftly nodded and signalled to everyone in the centre of the arena to leave whilst Natsu and Grey carefully carried Lucy's unconscious body.

The brunette's body was running on pure adrenaline as she was producing more magic than she could handle if she doesn't use it soon, her powers could malfunction and cause disaster within the arena.

"With all this chaos, the five-minute timer had already begun its countdown with only four minutes remaining, What will happen next to this confusing turn of events?"


My body feels like its splitting in two, if they don't move soon I won't be able to contain the magic, I have to do something to protect them... but all I want to do is rip that monster limb from limb... My gaze stared down at the helpless woman screaming pain as the banshee scream still echoed in her head like an inescapable nightmare.

The Emerald green aura around my body began expanding larger and larger until it was surrounding at least metre around me, it's still spreading...

I looked down and spotted that Lucy had been moved and the arena was now clear.

"Now to get this over with!" I yelled at the Sabertooth, I waved my glowing hands around and yelled "Telekinetic magic: Telekinetic Sphere!".

Enormous amounts of emerald energy incaged the walls of the water sphere trapping the two women inside and protecting the people outside as well.

"Eilora, seems to have taken the upper-hand and has now blocked her competitor inside the sphere!

"This could be an act of kindness to her opponent making sure she won't fall out while she is still injured and unable to fight, though I believe her reasoning is to protect the crowd for what is about to happen, as Minerva would have been safer outside than inside by now" Mr Yajima

"Ooh this is thrilling! I do love a good plot twist!" Mr Lavian

At least that got rid of some of the uncontrollable magic...though I don't have long, 5 minutes at most in this form.

I stared down at my arms, the visible veins now a neon green as the emerald power flowed through my veins. Wisps of lightning-like energy circulated around my luminous fingers.

My sight started to darken as my mind began to let go of restraint and let the anima of my body take control.

I began enchantings words I wouldn't have ever dreamt of stringing together.

"I call upon the ancient sources of magic within this plane and another, Temple of the gods, Shrine of Demons and Home of Angels. Lend me the strength to separate the mind and soul of this declared offender." my voice yelled as my forced hands rose and pointed directed at Minerva who was still screaming in agony.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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