24- Fairy Glitter

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"You don't seriously mean to challenge all the monsters at once, do you? We designed this event to be completed by multiple wizards!" Mato exclaimed waving his small arms in front of the armoured wizard,

"I don't care" Erza stated marching straight for the entrance of the castle,

Erza, I swear she can be so stubborn but brave at the same time

The redhead strolled into the castle with utmost confidence, whilst clearly observing her surroundings for any signs of the awaiting monsters.

"I am Erza Scarlet, of Fairy Tail Team A and I will face 100" Erza stated, at once at least 10 monsters strutted into the room of the wizard, eyeing her up like a meal.

{"Any bets on how fast she'll do it?" I called to my team,

"You really think she will manage with that many?" Gajeel asked,

"Are you seriously doubting the Erza Scarlet, the one and only Titania, Queen of the fairies" I stated in shock, glaring at the dark-haired dragon slayer,

"No, I'm just saying she is only human but I guess she'll get through it somehow" He retorted, looking directly at the lacrima screen in front of us.

"That's the spirit. Just relax and watch her go to work" Laxus said, leaning over the barrier,}

"REQUIP" Erza yelled, as she sprung into action in her 'Heaven's wheel armour', swinging her two swords left and right striking each monster in sight.

"Heaven's Wheel! Scattered Petals!" Erza shouted summoning a circle of swords to shoot at the beasts,

"Holy moly! Erza Scarlet wastes no time and attacks with full force! It's raining destruction as the D-class horde falls one after another!"

The Crowd cheers are loud as they watch the Redhead in action,

In a swift change, Erza was now wearing her 'black wing armour' and was taking out even more monsters than before,

{"Go Erza! You got this!" I cheered"}

One of the C class monsters sent a burst of flames straight for her, making her Requip again this time into her 'flame empress armour' though with her 'sea empress' sword.

"Whoa, Momma! That's 5 C-classes down in mere seconds!"

Large explosions of dust and rubble erupted from the castle as the smackdown went on,

"My word! What's happening?"

More screams of joy and excitement filled the crowd as Erza requipped again this time into her 'Sea Empress Armour' with her lightning spear,

{"She's absolutely slaying it out there" I cheered,

"Yeah, she sure is" Jellal muttered under his breath, }

With Erza's many armours and weapons, she slew 52 monsters, which was over half, she seemed to attain some damage through was trying her hardest to stay strong.

"What precision! What raw power! Fifty monsters have already fallen!"

{"She looks like she might collapse out of exhaustion, but she's way too stubborn to back down now" I stated, with a knowing smirk, listening to the amazed and worried comments of her other competitors in the stadium.}

"The fight seems to have taken its toll on Miss Scarlet!"

{"Come on Erza you can do this!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, watching her on the lacrima screen jump from the oncoming monsters attacks and then strike them down.}

The Forgotten Fairy tail Wizard (Fairy Tail Male characters x OP OC)Where stories live. Discover now