Chapter 1

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Things to take note~
(R/c) random colour
(R/D) random decoration (like painting n etc)
(R/F) Random furniture
(R/S) random stickers

(Y/N) Your name

(Y/N) P.O.V

Every morning I would wake up to the screams of rage and the wailings that echoed throughout the whole house. It was... A normal routine that my siblings and I had to go through. We had always been taking their beatings, but all they muttered was they did it for a good reason. That one particular reason. But despite their promises, why does it hurt so much. They told us they cared but why does it hurt when they hit us? I started to fear their beatings, despite the countless times they told me it was a good thing, that their actions are intended for good.

But today... Right now... I didn't hear the cries, the shrieking. When I had woken up, it was pin drop silence, like a ghost town. I could practically hear my own breathing, even as I got out of bed and took just a single step, I could hear my footsteps. It was then I realised that wherever I am currently residing in... Isn't my home.

The walls of my supposed room was different. The walls are (R/C) in colour, complete with a few decorations of (R/S) stickers, (R/D), (R/F) and a study table with a lamp. Beautiful... I thought as I looked around the room. Nothing looked the same as before, not to mention having a decorated wall... Let alone the furniture and study table or even the lamp.

"(Y/N)! Rise and shine sweetie! It's almost time to go to your brand new school! Karasuno, wasn't it?"

It was out of the blue as a woman screamed from afar.

Her high pitched voice yet soothing tone sent chills down my spine. I... Sweetie? Why would she even call me that... No, who exactly is she? I was deep in thought until I was snapped out of my thoughts by a pair of footsteps that grew louder as it came closer to my room.

"(Y/N)! You better wake up now, young lady! Or I will whoop your assh with my frying pan!"

The woman screamed at the top of her lungs, while trying her best not to swear so she dragged the word out and made a weird noise at the end.

So... This is it? It was all a dream... A new and pleasant one I might add. I wish it could have been real... Unfortunately, the only real part is the endless beating I'll receive, even in my dreams. I started to tear up a little. The tears were threatening to fall but I held myself together. All of that hope... Is gone... To be free from their grasp. But... My guts told me that something was off...

The door of my room was kicked open. There stood a woman wearing a plain black t-shirt and long black pants with white stripes at the side of the pants. She looks as if she was fuming but her expressions changed when she saw me, eyes filled with sorrows and tears.

"Oh dear... My little princess feels sad and misses mommy a lot does she now?"

She smiled warmly at me. She walked up to me and hugged me, she was around my height so it wasn't a problem.

"Don't worry my dear, when you come home, I'll make the best dinner that you won't forget about. It'll help you remember me by my cooking from how the food taste like, so it'll always feel like I'm with you!"

She rubbed my back gently and drew a pattern, a unique shape on my back, something that I've never felt in a long time since I was a little girl. Is it really...


I hugged her back tightly. It surprised her a little but she hugged back even tighter. I did not want to let go. Not ever.

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