Chapter 3

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Side notes before reading

(Y/N) is your name

(L/N) is (your) last name

' ' is thoughts/speaking in their own head

(3rd pov)

The ride in the car was awfully quiet. The silence to (Y/N) wasn't bothersome. She had always been sitting in silence, and was used to it. The confusing part was that she had waited for something to happen... but it never came. Rather than the usual fist that was directed at her face, instead, it was words that struck her.

"(Y/N)? Have you been feeling alright?" He asked her with genuine concern in his voice and worry that reflected in his eyes. "I know your mother had bluntly said- or even, yelled out that you were feeling rather moody today. Is there something bothering you?"

(Y/N) could feel his piercing gaze on her. (Y/N) felt a little uncomfortable as his eyes was glued on her, the pressure of his watchful eyes made her fidget around nervously as she tensed up. (Y/N) could only look down at her hands in silence and fear. Slowly, (Y/N) shook her head, but her head remained down. She was just hoping that he would stop looking at her... Fortunately he did. He turned away and shrugged to himself, dismissing (Y/N)'s weird behaviour. She felt the weight of the pressure being taken off her body. (Y/N) slowly took a deep breath and let her body relax.

Silence filled the air once more, accompanied by awkwardness. It was suffocating to say the least. Out of the blue, the sounds of pitter-patter at first, grew louder. The rain had sprinkled down. The harsh winds started to pick up even more violent, the tree swaying back and forth as if it were being pulled by an unseen force. The windows of the car slowly became cloudy as the wind blew. But despite that, as (Y/N) stared out of the window through its foggy state, (Y/N) saw a blur colour of orange as the car caught up to it.

At first glance, (Y/N) had thought it was an orange cone on top of a car. It turns out that her eyes had deceived her. In fact, it was a boy whom she had seen riding a bicycle, not a moving cone on a car. As the car got nearer, (Y/N) could see better that the boy was struggling against the winds. He had to push through and paddle tirelessly. (Y/N) notice his mouth was wide open, as if he were screaming, maybe because he was letting out a battle cry or the fact that he is losing his balance and about to crash into something.

(Y/N) smiled slightly at the sight. (Y/N) admired his strength and resilience... and of course his boldness which is perhaps stupidity to challenge the storm, but he persevered on. Something (Y/N) felt concerned about, as if it was something she required to have and also needed to do... but (Y/N) couldn't put a finger on it... So she discarded the thought.

Unknowingly, her dad had been observing her from the rear view mirror. He watched as she looked out the window and smiled at something in particular. He too saw the same boy in conflict with the harsh weather outside.

(Dad's pov)

Why does she keep staring at the outside? Is it that boy? I asked to no one in particular, sighing quietly to myself. I worry that she might be facing some boy problems... Though I suppose helping that boy out would not be a problem. Not a problem at all... even better, I would be able to get closer to my daughter... and prepare a list to put names down on it in case they hurt her feelings. That's what a good father would do... right? Protecting my little girl from boys...

I stepped on the car peddle and the car abruptly stopped. I pressed a button on the side of the door and the window slowly went down. I turned around and looked at (Y/N) and gave her a thumbs up and a bright smile. She had a face that seems to be questioning me and my actions but I didn't let it bother me. I opened the car door and stepped into the storm. I managed to catch up to the boy before he could go any further.

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