Chapter 2

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(Y/N) pov

Something was off. It feels so... different. How did I not realise that whatever place I'm passing by is... Odd. This road, the surroundings and the houses are unfamiliar to me. Honestly, even the trees looked different than the ones I see everyday. Everything seems peculiar...

Hold on... I gasped and gripped my hair as my eyes widened in realisation. If everything is so foreign to me... Then how could I possibly find my way to my school... Gosh!

"Maybe I could call mom to pick me up..."

I muttered to myself, sighing in slight frustration. It's my only option at this point... Then again... I had forgotten that I didn't ask for her number... Great. Just great.

"Either way... I should do something at least. I don't want to be late. I hope not."

I dug my hand into my right pocket and grabbed onto my phone, holding it rather loosely as I didn't really cared about it even if it falls and cracks or even worse, it would break.

I was taught that not important or non-valuable things, be it alive or not, to be handled without care and love anyways- through my observation and experience. That's what my 'parents' had taught me... But it felt wrong. I couldn't question or go against it... Only obey and listen, watch attentively, in silence.

I looked at my phone, remembering that mom had given it to me when I had supposedly forgotten it. I smiled a little, remembering the moment I had awhile ago with my mom. I mumbled a small thank you to myself.

I was having a little problem with the phone. I fumbled with the phone and the weird rectangular edges that were poking out on the sides. How do the people even use this... I've seen her used it before but I couldn't figure out by my own right now.

I probably looked like a madman, standing around while clumsily performing an act at the side of the road. I stood there for about a good solid five minutes... Questioning my life choices and internal struggles with this... Thing.

Another minute passes by, after a tiring battle with the phone and also conflicts in mind, whether to just throw the phone away or not- I finally figured out...

How to switch on the dang phone. What a lost of time and energy trying to do that. Guess I lost some brain cells along with it-

As I switched it on, a very bright light blinded my eyes. I averted my attention from it and stared blankly at the surroundings. Why is the phone screen so bright? And of course I questioned no one in particular. Once my eyes had adjusted to the light, I was once again stuck and pondered even more. Seriously what am I doing right now.

Time skip- (time flies so fast- literally has been another 3 minutes)

"Haha! Do you see that? I've finally gotten to know more about you."

I whispered into... or more likely, onto the phone as I had managed to unlock the screen lock part. I had recalled when she used it, she tapped on the phone multiple times. But all I had to do was just swipe upwards on the screen. I guess she's not as bright as she proclaims to be. All she had to do was swipe, why did she had to go and make her life harder with tapping her long fingernails on it- I internally face palmed at this point.

I looked through my phone and was about to click on an app called gallery but a sudden buzz from the phone that kept going every few seconds shocked me a little. My screen was brought to an image of a call. There was the red and green circle, decline and accept. I looked at the name above and realised it was my dad...

I was reluctant... Hesitating and anxious. But I decided it'll be best to answer him... If not... He would hit me like before... I placed the bottom part of the phone near my ear

"Hello! (Y/N)? I've called you to inform you that I'll pick you up in my car from wherever you are at. Your mom and I realised that we didn't gave you directions to your school!"

I jumped at the loud voice of my dad's through the phone. That would have made me deaf if it was any louder. I coughed, clearing my throat as I slowly held the phone at my ear, positioning it at what seems to be the correct way.

"Y-yeah dad! I... I'll be waiting!"

I stuttered about, feeling even more terrified to even talk back to him. He had always yelled at me or my siblings to stay quiet... It was a scary game that he played with us... Whoever was noisy would be smacked on the head... I was the quietest one fortunately...

"Alright then sweetie! I'll be there soon!"

He sounded so delightful that it seems so... Perplexing... He never was like that before... Maybe it's a new game he invented? But I shook my head to snap myself out of my thoughts. I just have to wait and see it for myself then.

Another time skip

Several moments later, a car had pulled over just several feet away from me. A man whom I recognised all too well, my dad, got out of the car. He waved at me while smiling gleefully.

I forced myself to put on the best smile as I stared back at him. I slowly moved towards him. My arms instinctively holding the sides of the other arm, as if I were shielding myself from him...

He didn't seem to realise the way I awkwardly walked towards him or the fact I felt cautious and slightly paranoid at him, which was plain obvious as seen through my behaviour.

Reaching my hand out to open the door of the car, I was abruptly stopped as my dad was the one to help me open it for me. My hands were shaking... Why... Does it feels so weird... I have not been used to this treatment... Is he even the man I had dreaded?

I tried carefully to get into the car, tried, but I knocked my head against the car. I heard his laughter as he stared at me. I felt my heart stopped beating for a second. A very strange feeling creeped up on me... His laughter... I've always heard it... But this time, I didn't felt scared... Just worried yet relief.

"Be careful! I don't mind the car getting a dent but I would mind if my little girl gets hurt"

My eyes was about to water again... It's barely been an hour from my last cry... But yet... Here I am. About to weep and feeling vulnerable. But I had to control myself...  Because everytime I cried... He would hit me... So I stayed silent.

My dad only examined my figure and shrugged, not knowing why I was acting so strangely. He entered the car and reminded me to put on my seatbelt and so did he. Finally he drove us away.

I could see his expression... He was questioning himself... Maybe asking himself what he did wrong... But...

If only you knew
How much you hurt me
But I realised that you
Never saw what i see

To you,
I am your daughter
To me,
You are a monster

But now i wonder
What made you a monster
Hopefully I will find
All the answers

A/n: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Wrote it at 1 am... And just a side note, be sure to check on the previous chapters as I usually update and put in more details to the previous chapters. So check it out again.
(22 April)


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