Day at work (part 1)

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-No ones POV-

Aizawa woke up early and changed into his hero costume. Well, it's not like he really slept. Insomnia's a bee. Walking into the kitchen, he poured himself a cup of coffee and stood sipping it, watching the time. It was currently 6:48 (your a legend if you get the song reference) and he had to be at work by half 7.
Making his way out of the door, he stopped to pet his cat, Mimi. She was quite an old cat, 14 to be exact, and was a tabby cat. It took him around 10 minutes to walk to work so he went to the staff room because he was early. In there, he found Midnight (Nemuri) and Ectoplasm. Just as he was about to sit down, a certain loud, yellow haired person burst through the door. "Hey guys! Everyone as cool as ice in here?" (I'm sorry I couldn't resist) he bellowed. Aizawa groaned. He didn't want to hear this at 7 o'clock in the morning, then again, he was used to it by now. Him and present mic had been best friends for over a decade, though Aizawa didn't feel like they were friends anymore. Mic didn't talk to him much anymore, and it's not because he didn't want to, he was too busy. He was constantly crowded by the press off school grounds and in all honesty, they were complete opposites.
Hizashi always had a confident and positive outlook whereas Aizawa didn't look like a hero at all. Mic must've noticed this too, because he walked over and sat next to Aizawa. He said,
" We haven't talked to each other in a while Sho!" He was about to continue when Aizawa muttered, " Don't call me by that name on school grounds Mic." Present mic scratched the back of his head, " Sorry eraser! Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go catch up and have a few drinks at my place!" Eraser sighed.
"Hizashi, you basically just asked Shota on a date!" Nemuri squealed. Hizashi was the one to sigh this time. " Been there, done that. Actually, got a gold medal. I'm never asking someone out again." Hizashi replied coldly, dropping his normal act. "Anyway, do you wanna?" He asked eraser, looking at him.
"Fine, whatever. Not doing much anyway." Eraserhead replied. "Now I'm off to my class, it starts in five minutes." He got up off the couch and left. "Omg Nemuri he said yes." Hizashi panicked. He had been expecting him to say no since he wasn't one to 'meet up' with people. He was pretty introverted and quiet most of the time. "Yes he did, go get yo man!" Nemuri said, winked, then walked out to go teach, leaving Hizashi blushing and Ectoplasm in fits of laughter.

~Aizawa's POV~
I walked into my classroom, mind you, class hadn't even started yet, and it looked like today was going to be worse than usual. Todoroki had Bakugo in a choke hold, probably because he had said something ill mannered to Deku, and Deku was trying to convince the two to stop fighting. Not to mention Iida, who was currently talking with Ochako about not handing her homework in, and kirishima, who was trying to stop the fight with Deku. I sighed, todays gonna be a rough day I thought. "Class, Silence." I said in a stern, menacing voice. Everyone immediately stopped and darted to their seats. "Mind telling me why you two were fighting, Todoroki, Bakugo?" I asked. They fell silent. "Guess it's not important then," and then I got to the register. Everyone was here except Ojiro and Mineta. I have nothing against ojiro but I hope mineta died. I was about to carry on when I suddenly went light -headed. Everything went numb. My vision went blurry and I was in agony. Seconds later, the windows smashed and three villains came through. How did they get through the barrier, damnit! I could barely see. I didn't know if I had moved or not from when I almost passed out. What was their quirks? Is this the result of one of them, or all of them?! Was this the end? No.. it couldn't be..
My eyes closed.
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