The strange.. thing? (part 2)

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~Aizawa's POV~

All of a sudden, all my senses rushed back to normal. Except, I wasn't where I was before. At first, it was blinding. White everywhere and it felt like it was burning my eyes. I blinked a few times and my sight improved. I was in... Recovery girls infirmary? I looked over to my side; Hizashi was there. Then, reality hit me. Where my students ok? What happened? How did I get here? I had to know.
Hizashi looked like he was sleeping, I shook him awake and asked the most important question first. "Are my students ok?" He hadn't even realised I was awake so when I asked him about them he was surprised. He replied, " Sho, there fine! Look after yourself for once!" I was still confused but I considered that I could ask him later. I sat up, but just then, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my side. I groaned. He obviously noticed and said, " To put you unconscious they stabbed you in the side with a knife, the villains I mean." I nodded. "Anyway, now your awake, recovery girl can heal you. She didn't want to while you were asleep because you never have much energy." Hizashi said, chuckling.

-Time skip brought to you by some reasons-

:No ones POV:

Aizawa sat in present mic's car. A few minutes later, they pulled up outside Hizashi's house. Aizawa lazily opened his door and stepped out. He was tired. Really tired. So tired he almost fell over onto his friend while walking to the front door. "Woah, hey there, let's get inside first!" He joked. Aizawa glared at him slightly but soon his eyes fell to the front door, intact, to Hizashi's house. He had recently moved, so Aizawa hadn't seen his place yet. It was huge, maybe four story, it had a garage and a huge front garden.

The two pro hero's walked inside, slipping their shoes off. It was even bigger on the inside than the out. The large spacious living room that could be seen from the other side of a beautifully decorated archway that connected the two rooms. Just further down, there lied a completely spotless kitchen and next to it was a large dining room, with a table that looked like it could sit 14 people easily. For now, that was all he could see.

"Yeah.. gets a bit lonely with all this space and just me to accompany it." Hizashi said, his tone hinted with sadness. Aizawa decided to just nod, still in complete awe of the alluring rooms. "Come on, let me show you around!" He said, grabbing Aizawa's wrist. Aizawa winced in pain and when he was dragged forward, a burning sensation spread from his wrist all the way up to his shoulder. Then, something wet dropped down from his sleeve and onto the floor. Drip...drip...drip...
Hizashi stopped in his tracks and follow the sound from behind him. He froze.

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502 words! Next chapter coming either tomorrow or tonight

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