He knows... (part 3)

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~Hizashi's POV~

I could not believe it as I watched Shota's blood drip from his wrist onto the floor. I didn't understand! I didn't grip him that tight, how did I make him bleed?! Unless...
"Aizawa... show me your wrists.." I said quietly, he shook his head. I shoved him against the wall, with enough force to put him there, but not to hurt him. He tried to fight me, but I was too quick, using my body weight to pin him against the wall, while using my hands to shakily pull up his sleeve.

There, on his arm, was a bloodied bandage, obviously not correctly put on or treated for that matter. "Oh Aizawa..." I muttered dragging him carefully to the nearest sink, which happened to be in the kitchen. "Get up on the counter," I ordered. He was obviously too tired to argue at this point and just did as I said. I moved his arm to hover over the sink and removed the bandages. I could tell it hurt because he started shaking. "Bare with me Aizawa." With the bandages off, I could properly see what he had been doing. Cutting. Lots of it. Some deep, some shallow, some barely even noticeable, but they were there, and that's what mattered. "I thought you stopped." I said, washing his arm underneath the sink. "I did, when I hung out with you a lot. The voices are back too, in fact they never left, just became more bearable." He deadpanned back. I felt bad. I didn't know why, I just did. He was doing this to himself, inflicting pain onto himself and I didn't like seeing him in pain.

I dried his arm off gently, trying best as I could not to hurt him, and got fresh bandages to put on him. While I was wrapping them around his arm though, he started to sway back and forth, and before I knew it, he fell onto me, fast asleep. I chuckled. At least he waited for me to finish treating him. Picking him up as best as I could without waking him was a challenge, but I managed and carried him to my bedroom, which was, luckily, also on the first floor. Laying him down, I notice him squirm and his face become uncomfortable. "Don't leave.. please.." he whispered sleepily. I sighed and moved our positions to where I was sitting against the padded headboard and Shota's head on my chest. I played with his hair, waiting for him to fall back to sleep. Except he didn't. His eyes were closed and his breathing was steady, but he wasn't asleep, I could tell.

"Your enjoying this aren't you?" I hummed. A light blush dusted his cheeks as he murmured
"How'd you find out..?" I just laughed a little and said, "It's okay, Aizawa. I'm quite enjoying this too." Then I blurted out something I blushed at myself, "Hey Aizawa, you know how I said that this was too big for one? Wanna live with me? We can do this more often." By the time I was finished speaking I was a dark shade of red, Aizawa not much different. "U-uh.. I-I'm not sure 'Zashi.." he replied quietly.
"Why not?" I hummed back, a little more confident. "You know what.. sure whatever." He said just loud enough for me to hear, looking up with his charcoal black eyes.

I smiled, is returning back to a comfortable silence with me playing with his hair. I got to a cot in his hair and slightly tugged at it. He shivered. "Don't do that!" He said back to me. I smirked. "Okay," I said smugly, then teasingly did it again. Annoyed, he got up and left the room. "Nooo! Sho!! Come back," I said pleadingly; I heard him sigh from the next room. I got up, and followed him, not bothering to smooth my bedsheets back out. He stood there, watching the TV that was broadcasting live news. I wrapped my arms round his waist and rest my head on his head, taking the advantage of being taller than him.

Except, he didn't flinch, or move at all, which was weird. "Sho? What's wro-," I said looking at the TV. All of a sudden, the happy mood was completely shattered. There, on the news, was Momo Yaoyorozu, lying dead on the ground.

My only words were, "Oh my god..." Shota didn't have any words. I pushed back and turned him round, he was crying. Now, I could count the times I'd seen Shota cry on one hand, maybe three fingers, so I was shocked. But I wasn't confused, as much as he tried to hide it, he cared heavily for his students. I pulled him close to me again and he grabbed the back of my t-shirt as tight as he could and sobbed into my shoulder. I turned off the news, and pulled us back into the couch. I just let him cry, to pour his sorrow out onto my shoulder, I started to cry too but I comfortingly rubbed circled into his back.

I'm so sorry!!!! 😭😭
I had to for the story line!!
855 words (without authors note)
Anyways bye!

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