Four; That's Amore

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April 29th, 2010
1:24 pm
David Rossi's Office
Quantico, Virginia

"Explain why I'm here, in your office, with you instead of out there looking for my daughter!" Pearce shouted at Agent Rossi.

"I understand why you're frustrated," Rossi began.

"No, you don't! Why aren't we looking for my daughter?" Pearce shouted at Rossi again as he moved to look out the window. This time, before Rossi could answer, there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in!" Pearce answered.

"Sir Pearce?" Eliza said softly as she entered the room. His back was too her, his hands on his hips.

"What?" The man sighed turning around. Once he saw Eliza, he let out a small gasp. "Oh my God. Little Lizzie!" He walked towards her, his arms opened. They embraced for a moment. As they broke away, and he grabbed her face with his large hands. "You were so formal at the crime scene!"

"It didn't seem appropriate to reveal the nature of our relationship. I thought I'd wait until I informed the Unit Chief before reuniting."

"Well, I'm glad to know there is someone with competence is on this team." He smiled before turning and giving Rossi a dirty look.

"I'll have you know, Agent Rossi is one of the founders of the Behavioral Analysis Unit. He is by far one of the most competent people I know." Eliza smirked slightly as she attempted to calm the man down. "Agent Rossi, is there anything more you need from Sir Pearce today?"

"I don't believe so. We may have to call him in tomorrow though," Rossi cautioned.

"Wonderful! Why don't you get Charlotte and get a late lunch somewhere romantic? One of the team members or I will call if we get any new information." Pearce took a moment to think the idea over.

"Alright," he finally said. "But if I find out you neglected to call me, there will be hell to pay." He picked up his jacket from the chair and left the room.

"Did I miss something?" Rossi asked rather confused.

"My father and Sir Pearce served together in the Royal Navy before becoming government officials. He was around my whole childhood," Eliza explained.

"So you're close friends with Bailey Anne Pearce?" Rossi was fishing, they both knew it. He was trying to determine how to feel about her, and more importantly, her connection to the case.

"God no. She was born when I was six years old. We never really got on well, despite our fathers trying to force us too. Conflicting personalities I guess," Eliza informed Rossi. She felt bad giving him the information, though it wasn't entirely untrue. They'd been good friends for a time until Bailey had told the entire Doyle family that Eliza didn't want to attend the University of Oxford, but instead planned to attend a university in America. Her father refused to talk to her for two weeks after the incident, and the girls hadn't gotten along since.

"No bias?" Rossi confirmed.

"No bias." She replied with a smile. She made a move to leave, but something in Rossi's office caught her eye. Sitting on the corner of Rossi's desk was a bible, in Italian. It looked to be very old, perhaps an old family copy. "Do you speak Italian?" She asked, perched in the doorway. Rossi looked up from his paperwork.

"Lo voglio. Mia madre ha insistito." He informed her, a reminiscent smile on his face. (I do. My mother insisted.)

"Che meraviglia. Lo ha fatto anche il mio." She smiled and exited the office. (Wonderful. Mine did too.)

April 29th, 2010
The Bull Pen of Behavioral Analysis Unit
Quantico, Virginia

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