Thirty-Nine; I <3 U

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October 9th, 2010
12:42 pm
Elizabeth Doyle's Childhood Bedroom
London, England

"Hey," Eliza said softly pushing hair off of Reid's forehead.

"What time is it?" Reid mumbled, sitting up. He was still in bed whereas Eliza was up and dressed.

"Almost one in the afternoon. I thought I'd let you sleep in. Time difference and such," she smiled, sitting on the side of the bed. She kissed his cheek softly, her lips warm.

"What have you been doing all morning?" asked Reid, noticing Eliza's attire. She was wearing leggings, a large t-shirt, and sneakers, her hair tied up in a pony-tail.

"Kenzie made me go on a run with her," she shrugged.

"Really? Your mom allows you to do things other than horseback riding?" Reid teased.

"Oh no, we rode this morning. Mother made sure the stables were well taken care of whilst her family was away. After that, I believe Father mentioned something about caviar with breakfast. Of course, they didn't have proper kind so the omelets were kind of lacking this morning," Eliza replied, trying to keep a straight face.

"I really hope you're joking." Eliza nodded, stroking Reid's cheekbone with her knuckles. "What time do we have to be ready."

"Round two. You've got time." Reid raised an eyebrow, wrapping his arms around Eliza and pulling her down onto the bed. "Spencer!" Eliza grumbled though she wrapped her arms around him to pull him closer. "As much as I'd love to repeat last night's events, I won't have time to get ready if we do." Reid groaned, kissing her neck.

"Go get ready," he said dramatically. Eliza rolled her eyes.

"You too," she said as she made her way to the bathroom attached to the room. She turned in the doorway, leaning against it slightly. "I can't wait to see your sexy ass in a suit."

October 9th, 2010
4:50 pm
Hotel Cafe Royal
London, England

Eliza breathed in slightly from her seat, Reid beside her. She half expected to see blue eyes staring at her from the balcony, but had yet to see them. She watched her family gather around the head table, thankful for once that she wasn't the center of her mother's attention. She saw Declan excuse himself but didn't wonder what he was doing. She couldn't because something else caught her attention. Something she didn't notice during the ceremony.

"What are you looking at?" Reid asked quietly, noticing her tense beside him.

"Um, nothing," Eliza muttered. Her fingers began moving, tapping their familiar index, ring, middle, pinky pattern.

"Eliza, what's wrong?" Reid asked again. His eyes were dark as he searched her face for microexpressions.

"My ex-fiance is here," she informed him, gesturing towards a dark-hair man talking to her mother. Reid furrowed his eyebrows, knowing there was more to the story. "Can we talk about this later?"

"Did he do something to you, because if he did I will kick his ass," Reid stated.

"Spence, I love you but the only reason you'd win is because you carry a gun," Eliza smirked. Reid stared at her, eyes wide. Eliza's face blanched as she realized what she said.

"What did you just say?" Reid asked an eyebrow raised.

"You'd win in a fight because you carry a gun," Eliza repeated. Reid smirked slightly, while Eliza gulped. "I've got to use the toilet," she said getting up from the table. Eliza practically ran from the ballroom, towards the bathrooms. She didn't stop at the bathrooms though, instead, she made her way onto the balcony. There was a breeze outside, and her dress blew up around her knees. She ran to the rail, using it to hold up her body weight.

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