Fifty-Two; Doyle

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March 12th, 2011
1:12 am
Boston Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters
Boston, Massachusetts

Reid sat scrubbing blood out of his sweater, fully knowing it wouldn't come out. He was just looking for something to keep himself busy, to keep his mind off of Eliza. She was his world. The thought of never seeing her again broke him, physically and mentally. He was sure he'd never recover if she was gone. It didn't matter what anyone else thought, she was the most beautiful person to him. He would trade places with her in a heartbeat, and he wished she'd let him in. Wished she'd let him protect her, and let her know everything was alright. Reid looked up as she heard the door close, seeing Ross lingering in the doorway.

"That's not going to come out," Rossi said simply.

"I know. Just trying to keep busy," Reid replied turning his attention back to his sweater. "Eliza gave me this sweater. She said I looked good in forest green." Rossi laughed softly sitting next to Reid.

"Ya know, JJ could really use some help looking through evidence," Rossi said suggestively.

"I'm not going to be the reason Eliza doesn't make it," Reid snapped. Rossi put his hands up in surrender.

"There's something to be said for young love," Rossi said absentmindedly. "It's the most powerful love there is. I'm surprised you two were able to hide it so well." Reid didn't respond. "Morgan bet it would take two years for you to ask her out. No one took him up on it, but he bet."

"I was the one who didn't want to tell," Reid replied. "Eliza said no one would mind. She said you were the reason all of the fraternization rules were in place anyway." Rossi laughed, slinging his arm around the boy. Behind them the elevator dung, the doors opening. Whoever walked out grabbed Reid's shoulder, causing him to turn in disgust. His eyes widened as he saw Emily Prentiss using his shoulder for support. "Emily!"

Rossi turned, his eyes also widening. They got up, each grabbing one of Emily's arms. She smiled softly, realizing she was finally safe. The trio walked into the main bullpen, sitting Emily down on a chair with armrests. The woman slouched, her eyes fluttering.

"Emily where's Eliza," Reid asked pushing the hair off her face.

"Me...Eliza... Doyle's stressor. He wants revenge...because I... betrayed him," she stuttered.

"We got that far Em," JJ said softly.

"Where's Eliza?" Reid asked, his voice angrier than he meant it to be.

"She...she let me go," said Prentiss, almost as though it was a realization. She looked at JJ who in turn looked at Hotch.

"Emily, is Clyde the mole?" Morgan spoke carefully, but Prentiss' eyes still widened at the thought.

"No. NO! He took care of her because I asked him to." Prentiss turned to whisper something to JJ. Something Reid wanted to hear.  A gurney pushed by two women entered the room and before anyone could ask Prentiss any more questions she passed out.  He didn't protest though, instead joined the group of onlookers positioned around Garcia. The entire team stared for a while, Garcia finally breaking the silence.

"So, assuming Clyde isn't the mole, I looked through JTF's personal records again," Garcia said calmly. "And Jeremy made some fancy plans before his death. Specifically, he bought a large estate in Spain."

"He signed all the documents with one of his covers. Made a down payment in cash, deposited the rest," JJ read from the file Garcia had given her.

"So Jeremy sold the list to Doyle," stated Hotch.

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