Chapter one

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Name: Julia
Job: helping on the magical mystery tour bus
Status: single for now

I walked over to the bus with my bag over my shoulder. There are two men sitting on the steps onto it." Hello there how can we help?"one of them asked." Oh, well I'm Julia I'm meant to be helping you on your tour bus"I said." Oh are you the helping person we were told was coming?"the other asked." Yep that's me"I say with a giggle." I'm Paul"one says and holds out his hand." And I'm Ringo"the other said holding his hand out as well. I shake both of them." May I just asked aren't there four of you?"I politely say." Yeah the other two are on the bus already choosing there bunks"Paul said." Ok I'll pop on and put my stuff down"I said." Oh we'll help you with your-"Ringo stopped mid sentence." Where's your stuff?"he asked." This is it here"I say gesturing to the backpack over my shoulder." That's  not much whatcha got in there?" Paul asked." Just essentials"I said." Oh alright then we'll follow us"Paul said." Ok lead the way"I said and followed them onto the psychedelic tour bus. I followed down it until we got to the end." On the left there is the toilet and on the right there is the kitchen and straight ahead is the bunk bedroom"Paul said pointing out all the door at the back of the bus. We went through the straight ahead one. There were two men in there. One on his knees looking far into a cupboard and the other midway up the ladder and hanging by one hand the other hand holding a book open." Alright lads"Paul shouted. Causing the man to fall off the ladder and the other to hit his head of the top of the cupboard." Ouch Paul you distracted me and made me hit my head!" The man said sitting out from the cupboard now. The other man sat on the floor holding the now closed book with a bookmark in it." Who's this?" One of them said." This is Julia the tour helper 'memeber?"Ringo said." Oh yeah" he said he stood up and put out his hand." I'm John"he said as I shook his hand."" And this is my trusty cupboard abuser. George parasol"he said gesturing his hand to the man sitting on the floor." Fuck of Lennon your days are numbered"he said as he stood up and walked over to me." I'm George" he said putting his hand out. I went to shake it but he just took it and knelt down and kissed it and then stood back up. I blushed." Alright George that's enough. Mr smooth!"John said as he walked past me out of the room and took a seat on the bus. George looked very scary as he was very angry." Ignore him he's just a boasting twat"George whispered in my ear making me shiver. We walked out the room and sat far down on the bus for no reason." So where do you-"George said but he was cut off by a high pitched scream from the bedroom and then we headed the bathroom door be slammed closed." I wonder what happened there?" George said as he stood up, helped me up and we walked to the bunk bedroom. We looked through the doorway to see John and Ringo just standing there in the middle of the room." What's happened now?" I asked." Well paul was going to sleep on the floor mattress and we told him and he then freaked out we don't know why and yeah he ran away to the bathroom"Ringo said." I'll go check on his you guys wait here"I said as I walked towards the doorway and toward the bathroom." Ok"they replied in unison. I nodded and closed the bedroom door. I knocked on the bathroom." Paul are you okay in there? we heard a scream"I asked. I heard a mumble." I'm coming in okay?"I asked." Another mumble. I slowly opened the bathroom door to reveal Paul sitting up in the bath staring at the roof. Tears stained his face. The bath tap was on. He was sitting in the full bath in his clothes!" Oh Paul don't do that your going to soak your beautiful hair come on" I said turning the plug draining the cold bath water down the drain." Why me!?"he said." Ill sleep on it if you want you can get my bed instead"I offered." No if I'm sleeping on it so you can get a bed I will sleep on it"he said." Well you can sleep in my bed"I said." No cause then you'll be stuck on the floor mattress!"he said." No I mean as in with me but not like that!"I said to him enthusing the last part." Oh are you sure? I could just ask one of the lads to swap or I'll sleep on one of the chairs it's alright with me"Paul insisted." No I'm serious it's fine"I said." Oh alright then but if you feel uncomfortable at any point tell me and I'll leave"he said. I had actually been able to persuaded Paul.


It was about half ten at night now and the sun had completely gone and it was really dark we stopped at the side of the road so we could sleep in peace. Me and Paul made our way to our bed. He got in first so he was next to the wall then I got in after.

A little while later

I couldn't sleep at all. I don't know why. I turned onto my back and lay and faced the bunk above. Everyone else was asleep except me. I decided even though it would be wrong to cuddle up to Paul. After all at home I slept my my dog and cuddled him and that's how I got to sleep. I wrapped my arms around his waist and eventually fell asleep somehow


I woke up and everyone else looked awake slightly. I had stayed in the same position with Paul all night. Paul then stretched and rolled over knocking my off the bed. We were on the second bunk of the three bedded bunk bed. I hit the floor with a bang and landed face down. I heard a gasp from the bunk John was in." Are you alright there dear you hit the floor with quite a thud" he said. I went to look up at him then instantly looked back down at the floor. He was wear only his boxers! I could se his crossed over bare legs and his non covered toned torso. He laughed and climbed down. He was the top bunk on the stack opposite us. He knelt down next to me and rolled me over onto my back. I flipped over then closed my eyes." It's alright dearie I'm not hairy!" He said. He reached down and removed my hands from my eyes." 'Ey Paul can't treat the lady like that you'll loose her!"John shouted in the direction Paul." Shut up Lennon you bastard" George said from the bunk under John's." Good morning to you too Georgie boy" John replied. I looked up to where Paul was sleeping. Then stood up and walked over to it. I stood on the empty bunk bed underneath and stood on my tippy toes. I reached my arm over to Paul and brushed the tip of his nose with my index finger. He scrunched up his nose then his eyes slowly opened up and looked at me." Good morning Julia" he said his voice raspy from just waking up." Well it's not been a great morning for her!" John said from behind me." How come?"Paul asked." You shoved her out with your overreactive stretching"John said." Poor girl hit the floor like a ton of bricks!"." Sorry jewel for shoving you" Paul said apologetically.


Hope your enjoying so far - Olivia 🥰

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