Chapter 8

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"Hey John can ask you something?"I asked as I took hold of his hand that was attached to his lifeless body spread across the bed. He slowly raised his head to move his hand underneath and peered at me. I reached over to the small chest of drawers not to far the bed and picked up John's glasses. I placed them behind his ears . They framed his gorgeous eyes perfectly.

"That's better now I can see your beautiful face"he said caressing my face with his smooth hand." Now you may ask"John said and made eye contact once again." Your mother.."I started noticing his face instantly changed into a saddened Lennon that I had never seen through the whole trip.

"Yes.."he spoke in a wispy voice like he was trying to speak but his throat closed." May I ask"I said again wondering if the following question would tip him over the edge. He never spoke a word. Just dead silence fell into the room." Is she....."I started only to be pushed off of my position of standing on the bunk below.

John pushed me away from his bed causing me to fall backwards into the floor mattress. Thank god the mattress was there but I twisted my ankle as I was on my tiptoes and my ankle landed on ringo's step ladder ( ringo's short okay he has a step ladder) making my ankle bleed slightly.

"Don't ask about her! What has paul said this time! I swear I'm gonn-"he shouted and stormed out of the room into the toilet." Julia are you okay we heard shouting"Paul rushed in and saw me sitting on the mattress blood smeared on the carpet causing a puddle to form." Paul I'm okay just fell"I said hailing back the tears." Julia your bleeding! Tell me what happened"he said and rushed over to where I was and sat down next to me.

"I just fell it's alright"I said holding back the tears no more. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand." Oh dear we need something to clean you up. Wait here"paul said and stood up and left the room in a hurry.

He came back after a while with kitchen roll , carpet cleaner and a first aid kit box." I heard John crying in the bathroom is he part of this 'accident' "he asked sitting back down and opening the box." N-no"I managed to say through sniffles and tears." Are you sure"Paul asked again picking up a roll of bandage." Y-yes"I said the stutter being unintentional.

" Alright"he said wrapping the bandage around my ankle then tying it." What were you doing on ringo's step ladder anyway"he asked now spraying the carpet cleaner on the blood stain." T-trying to make John's bed"I lied and Paul believed me." Oh okay"he replied now wiping the carpet with the kitchen roll and more carpet cleaner.

"This stain won't come out of the carpet so we'll have to think of something"Paul said gesturing his hand to the white carpet beneath us." Oh"is all I could manage to get out before George and ringo burst through the door holding John in a prisoner position.

"Now tell everyone what you did John huh tell us everything!"George shouted lifting John's head up by pulling his hair. His face blank of expression but obvious dry tears stained his face. His lip quivering slightly." What's this about lads?"paul asked standing in front of his three friends." He shoved her off the bunk into me step ladder!"ringo shouted.

"N-no he didn't I fel-"I said." Like that's believable stop standing up for John he needs to own up for his mistakes!"George cut me off." Hm Johnny whatcha gonna say to that"George shouted pretty close to John's head." M-m-me mum"he said quietly looking empty another tear running down his cheek.

I couldn't stand this. I rushed over to John not caring that my ankle was killing me and draped my arms around his shoulders." Guys it was an accident leave him alone"I said and started crying because the bone in my ankle shifted and sent a sharp pain up my leg." N-no"John said through this silence that had creeped in.

Everyone was quiet trying to process what John meant. John lifted my arms off of his shoulders and looked up at me. His eyes had gone grey and I was scared."I hurt you.... you hate me "he spoke slow. I nodded at the other lads and before they could protest I gave them all a look that signalled that I was fine.

They and wandered out of the room. I hugged John tightly around his waist." I'm so sorry John it's my fault"I whispered in his ear nibbling his earlobe in the process." Why are you sorry"he said blankly. His emotions had been drained out of him and he was just there. "I asked"I said and kissed his neck lightly.

He lifted my head to face his with his middle finger. His face had gone grey and was slowly coming back to its usual colour." I love you"he said his voice breaking slightly. He then held my face into a passionate kiss.

I pulled away after a while." John! I can't you can't !"I exclaimed. John raises his finger to my lips and shushed me." No one will know..."John whispered his hand slipping down and he squeezed my arse."... except us"he continued his hand now cup one of my cheeks.

"I forgot m- *gasp* Julia!"ringo said as he walked into me and John. I broke free of John's grasp and stood away from the two." Uh hi ringo"I said." George won't be ha-"ringo began only being cut off by my pleads.

"Please don't tell him ringo that wouldn't be fair on us plus this wasn't me it's John just please don't tell George"I pleaded his features fading into slight sadness. "Okay but this has to stop"ringo said and the opened behind him.
"Tell me what?" George said as we made eye contact.

Ooooo what's gonna happen next
Thank you for the reads
I shall continue - Olivia 😊

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