Chapter Three.

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The picture is of Wesley! Sex on a stick that boy is.  Read on. 

Chapter Three.

I gave Wesley a small smile, hoping he caught it before finishing my salad. Tossing the trash in the can behind me I contined my talk with Nat.

"So then, they had sex in her grandma's bed! Look at her sitting over there so innocent- Hey, why is Wes looking at you?" This make me turn to glance at him, looking down blushing slightly as I found Nat was telling the truth, he was staring directly at me. 

I shrugged my shoulders at Natalie "That guy," I nodded my head towards Conner, "Almost knocked me over and Wesley caught me." 

She squealed and clapped her hands "Omg! Maybe you guys will like date. He hasn't dated anyone in like two years! Wouldn't that be cute if you guys were ma-" She cut her sentence short, and when I gave her a questioning look she explained "Made...For eachother." I could tell she was lying, not a mean" I don't want you to know"  lie, a "I'm sorry I can't tell you" lie. She does this a lot, I'm kind of past it. I know she will tell me when she's ready.

My curiousity burned wildly anyway, but I pressed my lips together just as the bell rang, signaling we should be heading to class. I stood up, having about 10 minutes left before I was expected to be in class I wasn't in a hurry. I felt a hand gently tap my shoulder.

I was pretty surprised when I turned around and came face to face with Conner. I waved off Natalie, telling her to head to class, trying not to let my disspointment show that it wasn't Wesley. 

"Hey, sorry about almost killing you earlier." He gave me a dazzling smile, one that he probably gets MANY girls with. "Well, actually I'm not all that sorry." I raised my eyebrows, about to snap. He must have sensed my anger and quickly explained. "I just mean if I wouldn't have, I wouldn't have had an excuse to talk to such a beautiful lady." 

Ignoring the temptation to roll my eyes I  spoke to him, my voice dripping with sarcasm, "Well, isn't that a fantastic way to get girls to like you. Almost giving them a concussion." 

"Fiesty, I like that."

We were now walking down the halls, me towards my class and Conner just following along side. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" 

"You're bed would be a more suitable place, but the janitor closets closer..." I gave him a blank look. "Okay okay, we have the same class." 

"HOW exactly do you know what class I have next?" 

His playboy facade faded for a moment as he blushed "Um, I asked Natalie about you..." 

I couldn't help but smile and feel a bit touched that he went out of his way to learn about someone he didn't even know. "Oh. Well, let's move along then." I gave him another smile as we went to class.

We were one of the first ones in, Natalie wasn't in this class so we sat towards the back together. He was actually a pretty funny guy. Making me giggle as I doodled on my notebook. I saw a few girls giving me envious looks. 

I looked down at my iphone as it beeped, a small frown making its way onto my face, it was my mother. It read,

Hey Corrrrr, Phil is making butternut squash loaf and wants to know if you want some. Can I bring them over? We're going to be there at 4:00. I found that missing blue sock! It was beneath the small bean bag chair! Isn't that odd? Also, Phil's, cousin's, coworker has a son that would just be perfect for you! We will discuss that later though. A few text messages ago my friend Cheryl said "Omg" What does that mean? Ornary men gadgets? I don't know. Don't forget to tell Granny we will be there. Bye dear!

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