F o u r

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One by one, letter by letter, Seonghwa types Pylle's name into the Google search bar.

As he clicks enter, the top result was an article about a high-end Italian brand.

As he clicks on it, the brand name 'ANTEROS' pops up; along with a picture of what seems to be a family.
As it turns out, it was a wealthy and well-known family in Italy.

The article was written on the 9th of March, 2012.
9 years ago, to be precise.

As Seonghwa scrolls down the page, he spots the name Pylle glowing as the article reads;

"....the daughter of the exquisite fashion conglomerates; Pylle Anteros, is reportedly in the hospital once again. The reasons are unknown as the family wishes to keep  privacy, however, many are concerned.
'As time goes on, my daughter is fortunately recovering. We appreciate your concerns and best wishes' says wife, CEO and Executive of the Anteros brand, Yves Anteros..."

Another picture of the Anteros daughter shows up.
Black hair, black eyes, tan honey skin and soft features— except her sharp eyes; they were truly breathtaking.
The picture states that it was taken in 2012 when she was 10. Its already 2021.

'This article is old...Which means she's the same age as me now?'
Seonghwa scrolls back to the top and stares at the family picture,

'A rich-ass family...so it can't be her.... she's not my soulmate—-'
Before Seonghwa finished his thoughts,
"Hey Seongie! Come eat! Your dad's back early! Oh! And you got a letter from that college you applied for!"

Seonghwa quickly shuts his lap-top and runs downstairs.
'What if it is her?'
Seonghwa argues with himself,
'Pffft! Nah. It was stupid to search google in the first place. Theres a million others with the same name. Pointless'

Seonghwa didn't even pay attention to the last part his mother said.

As Seonghwa walks down, another letter ending from Pylle shows up on his arm again,
"I wish that you were real. College is lonely~
-Pylle : is lonely"

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