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~ "Okay," I whisper putting
the drive on his desk and
scurrying after Hyunjin
with my head down. ~


"Why did you want to see me?" I ask Hyunjin once we're down the hall from Chan's office.

"There isn't really a reason, I just thought with Seungmin and your brother in there—you fought with him when you went to your room, didn't you? He came out looking kind of gloomy." He explains. "It's just if I was in your place, I'd be really tense, y'know? And you need a bit of relaxation. You just got back."

"Thanks." I smile, hugely relieved, but at the same time exhausted. "I think you're the only person who really understands me right now."

"I'm here if you need me." He offers, returning the smile with a grin. "I also make a great fake-boyfriend."

I frown. "A what?"

He laughs at my expression. "I mean if you need a fake boyfriend, I can be—"

Damn. Boys are confusing.

"But why would I need a fake boyfriend when I have a real boyfriend?" I ask. "That's..illogical. Even you should know that."

"No, Youngie," He laughs again. "I'm saying that if you need someone to make Seungmin jealous," he trails off waiting for me to catch on and we're walking in silence again.

"Oh." I say so faintly, barely any sound comes out.

He nods. "Yeah."

"Jealous?" I ask, testing the words out on my tongue.

"Well, you and Seungmin don't seem to be doing really well, so if me and you acting a bit close for his comfort could give him a push—"

⁠"⁠—he would come to me—Hyunjin, you're a genius!" I exclaim. "That would—that would put everything back in place and—" Then something dawns on me. What if he runs to Aella? "I⁠—um⁠—I don't think that'll be necessary though," I trail off, chewing on my lip, lost in thought.

But he knows that he's got me thinking and smiles placing a ghost of a kiss on my cheek. "Anytime, baby Youngie," He says, smiling as he pulls back. He kisses my forehead too, then my nose and I giggle. "Just let me know if you change your mind—"

That's when I see someone out of the corner of my eye.

Slightly caught off guard, I swing my head around to see Seungmin standing just a few strides behind us. Realizing Hyunjin's arms are around my waist and mine are around his pulling him close, my hands spring apart and I make to step back, but he keeps me firmly in place. One look at Hyunjin's face and I understand.

Seungmin is right there.

And we're holding each other so close, its an extremely romantic embrace when seen from the outside.

I can tell my cheeks are flaming.

Make him jealous, Hyunjin's eyes seem to be saying as they stare into mine with a convincing-as-hell-look-of-fondness.

Just this once, I tell myself.

I turn my head to my boyfriend, innocently cocking my head to the side, instead of shoving Hyunjin off and going to hide in the camera footage/computer room with Jeongin, who won't ask questions and won't make me feel uncomfortable in anyway, which is what I really feel like doing.

However, Seungmin doesn't look bothered. To my great disappointment, he's barely even ruffled, just as cold as when I saw him in Chan's office and when I got back a few hours ago.

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