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~ I want Aella gone. ~


On my way to my room, Aella catches up with me.

"I heard you and Chan." She says, trying to match my long fast strides with her short rushed ones. "I think it's really nice of you to lend me some of your clothes. I wanted to say thank y—"

We step into the room and I slam the door so hard her sentence is cut off.

"Look," I say, smiling falsely, keeping my temperament at bay. "I'm giving you one dress. It will be plain and it will be one that I don't like and have never worn before, got it?"

"Thank y—"

"Not. My. Choice." I growl. "So you will keep your bitchy hands to yourself while I change or I'll kick you out and you won't be getting any clothes from me, understand?"

She nods, silently.

I smile blandly. "Good. Now stay out of my way."

Then I march over to my closet and start rummaging through my clothes. I can sense her watching me and when I turn to grab jewelry from my dresser, she follows me again.

"Have you had a bad day?" She asks, tentatively.

Damn, this girl won't quit.

"I mean," She continues, as if I'd asked her something. "you seem upset at me and I haven't done anything wrong. You can tell me about it, what's bothering you. I'm here for you."

That hit close to home.

I whirl around. "Don't tell me you're here for me. You don't even know me,"

"Well, based on what I've seen so far, you seem to be someone who hides their feelings inside instead of confiding in others," She says. She's wrong. Everyday, all I do is bitch to everyone about how fucking unfair my life is. And they know it. "Maybe if yo—"

"What are you, a psychologist?" I snap, angrily.

"No, I'm just trying to help—"

"Well I don't need help. Back the fuck off." I snarl and wrench past her, into the bathroom.

Shoving on a short purple dress, one that Seungmin gave me because it "outlines my curves like saran wrap," as he put it 2 years ago, I'm reminded just how much I despise that girl. Ever since she's been here, all she's done is mess up my life. She's changed everything, my brother is head over heels for her, Seungmin is probably head over heels for her and now she's trying to pull some psychology bullshit on me. If she thinks she can manipulate me too, she's never been more wrong in her life.

She's so clearly trying to win over everyone close to me and yet, I'm the only one who sees it. It's unbelievable. How could my clan, despite being mafias, be so blind?

It's like she's tricking everyone and she's fucking good at it.

It's like she's a...spy.

Oh my god. She's a fucking spy. All of a sudden everything makes sense, her motives, why she's been so "nice" and "lovely." It was to fool us all.

It's like me when I'm at Bangtan headquarters in America. I act nice and pretty so they won't see me as a threat. A few of them have even tried to hit on me.

This is exactly what Aella is doing.

I fasten on my diamond dangle earrings and the simple diamond necklace, that my brother got me for my 16th birthday. This set is one of my favorites.

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