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Roe's POV

"Wait," Adrien says, clueing in onto what we're talking about. "You think I might have this condition?"

"It's just a theory," Marinette assures him. "Roe, if he actually does have PANDAS, can he be cured?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes."

Adrien looks concerned, but also... hopeful. "What are the other symptoms again?"

"Um," I start. There's a very, very long list, so I go to the bulletin board near the door and take off the package my mother printed out years ago and hand it to Adrien.

"I was diagnosed with anxiety quite a few years ago," Adrien says as he looks at the list. "But that's it."

"Hmm... were you ever a picky eater?"

"A few years ago, yeah," he says after some thought. "My mom thought that I had some sort of eating disorder, but my father just said I was being ungrateful."

"Eating disorders are one of the symptoms," I say. "Many kids are diagnosed with things that are symptoms of PANDAS."

"What can I do about it?"

"Here," I say, flipping the package to show him a phone number on the back. "That's my specialist doctor. She's an expert on PANDAS."

"Thank you so much," Adrien says. "I really hope this is the answer."

I smile bitter sweetly. "I hope so too. Maybe then you can find yourself again."

————Adrien's POV———-

Mari and I leave Roe's house once the reporters are nowhere in sight. I wave goodbye to the girl as we walk down the sidewalk, grateful for all the knowledge she shared with us.

"I can't believe there might be a reason for my... you know," I say.

"It's like destiny brought us to her," Mari replies wistfully.

I look at my phone to check the time. "Dammit! We missed half the school day."

Mari laughs. "Honestly, I'm okay with that. School's not so fun all the time."

I chuckle. "True."

"I think we still have some time left before the end of lunch break," Mari says. "Do you want to catch up with Alya and Nino?"

"Sure. We might need to run, though!"

"I bet you a croissant I can get there first!"

"Ha! You're on!"

Mari and I race back to school, laughing the whole time. I beat her to the doors by barely a second, and we stop there for a moment to catch our breath.

"Looks like you owe me a croissant," I say with a smirk.

"Fine. We'll go to the bakery after school."

"I look forward to it, M'lady."

I open the doors and let Mari walk in first. We hurry to the courtyard and find our friends.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Someone yells. We both turn around to see Alya storming towards us. "Where the hell have you been?! We've been worried sick!"

"Hi Alya," Mari says nervously.

"And you, Adrien Agreste! As much as I approve of all things Adrienette, you better not have abducted my best friend for any funny business!"

"Alya!" Mari shrieks. "Why are you always so dirty-minded?"

Alya flips her hair sassily. "You know you love me."

"Dudes, you've been gone all morning," Nino says as he joins us. "If you were skipping class, you should have told me!"

"We didn't mean to skip class," I say.

"Then what were you doing?" Alya presses.

"We... Uh... made a new friend," Mari says.

"Really?" Alya questions skeptically. "What's her name, then?"

"Roe," both me and Mari say in unison.

"Hmm... so you really did meet a new friend," Nino observes.

"I'm not buying it," Alya argues.

"It's the truth!" Mari says defensively.

"Oh, come on! Just let me believe my ship has sailed!"

"It kind of already has," I mutter.

Mari looks up at me. "What?"

"Our ship has kind of already sailed," I clarify. "I mean... we are sort of like a couple, aren't we?"

Mari smiles and throws her arms around my neck. "I think we're a little more than 'sort of a couple.'"

"Oh my effing gawd!!!" Alya squeals. "When did you two become a thing?!"

"Calm down, Alya!" Nino says.

Alya swats him. "Shut up and let me fangirl."

"Mari?" I whisper. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Mari giggles. "Of course I will, stupid cat."


Hey guys! I've published a lot of chapters for this story lately. Your welcome ;)

I'm sorry if you find all that PANDAS stuff boring, but I'm trying to add my own twist to this book, and I'm pretty sure no one has ever mentioned it in a story before. Anyways, have a nice day/night!

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