Chapter one: Introduction

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April 6, year 5987. Space

Han sat silently. He stared out his window quietly.  He never realized how big and empty space was. He was just a dot in the universe, completely meaningless. He could dissappear and nobody would care or notice. He had to leave earth after ww10 there was so much nuclear waste in the air and everybody was dead/dying. Nothing could possibly live there for more than 10 days without suffocating on the large amounts of ash and waste that was in the air. His whole family died due to mutations from the waste. He had to leave his children, his wife, everything. Now he lived in a small satalite in the middle of the universe, only two people to keep him company. His cube pet Ki, and Dragird Juo.

A cube pet was assigned with everyone to make sure they weren't lonely and didn't develop depression. A cube pet was basically a cube that could fit in your pocket, and when activated, would turn into any animal most useful for the scenario. Ex: you were getting attacked, cube pet could turn into a lion to protect you. His cube pet Ki, was a malfunction. Ki turned into the wrong animal in the wrong scenario, so Han could be getting robbed and Ki would turn into a rat. Han didn't really care, since he did live in space for almost all of his life. 3 years after he was born ww10 started, and human life deteriorated. His mother tried to protect him but she wants able to, due to the extreme crime that was happening. So his mother gave him a Dragird, a dragon bird hybrid. They were very loyal, and would kill themselves for their owners. Han never knew his mother since she left him at an abandoned super market with his Dragird Juo. Juo was like his father/mother figure for his whole life until he met Claire, his wife. She was the sweetest person. They met when Han was only 13, and it was love at first sight. They lived together in a tree house while ww10 continued. Eventually they got married when they were both 23. They had kids and we're pretty happy. But ww10 got so bad and a nearby powerplant exploded. It released so many toxins in the air that everyone had to evacuate. Han and his family got separated and he never got say goodbye. Eventually he took an escape pod to outer space, and adapted to the harsh conditions in space. The only thing he has to remember his family by is a photo. He looks at it everyday and longs to go back to Earth just one last time to see them again.

Han was sipping his tea quietly with Ki by his side, rubbing affectionately on his leg. Han picked Ki up and pet him. The cold empty void of space made them feel like a speck in the universe, completely meaningless. This made a sinking feeling in Han's gut start to form. He just wanted to have claire, and his children with bim. He missed them so much. He didn't want to feel lonely. Out in space got boring after awhile.

His thoughts were interupted by Ki barking at the door, scratching aggressively at the door. Ki was in his dog form, and this meant something was bothering him and he had to protect Han at all costs. Han walked over to Ki and pulled on the scruff of his neck.
"What is it, Ki?" Han asked. Ki couldn't talk, but he barked and started biting Han. He looked out the window, and was shocked with what he saw. It was so small it looked like just another star. But something was different about this 'star' it was moving quickly. And it had lines coming off of it. Or legs? When Han looked close he saw that this wasn't a weird star, it was a human! What was a human doing out here? And how were they surviving? Han was confused. Should he save the human and go out there, or should he leave them. He couldn't leave them out there, plus he had so many questions that he couldn't possible just leave them out there floating around in space. So he grabbed Ki and he transformed back into a cube, and Juo wrapped around his neck lightly. He figured he could grab the human and take him back here, simple enough. Han opened the satalite door, and let the ice cold atmosphere of space hit his face. He spread his wings (which he got from mutation with the toxins during the ww) and took off flying. He didn't really need his wings to travel in space, but it helped him stay in line instead of just floating around. He kept beating his wings until the human became clearer. They were a lot further away than Han intecipated.

Once he finally reached the person he reached out to grab them. He grabbed the lifeless body by the arm, and then checked for a pulse. They were still breathing, great. Han looked the person over. Pretty average. Probably male, short dirty blonde hair, yellow short sleeve shirt, and jeans. But one thing caught his attention, it was a flower behind his ear. It was just a simple sunflower. But Han wondered how it was still alive while being in space. How was this person not frozen to death? The flower wasn't connected to his head, but Han was still curious. He spread his wings again and was about to turn back to go home. Something stopped him though. A loud rumbling, and a strange blue light behind them. Han turned around to see what it was, and when he saw his heart almost stopped.

There stood a astronomicaly large spaceship. Details everywhere, down to tiny engravings throughout the ship. Windows scattered everywhere. It was larder and gray, and in the shape of a triangle. Han started beating his wings aggressively, trying his best to get away. He's never seen this ship before and he didn't want to know why it was here. Han suddenly heard a loud explosion and blue and white mist surround him. Han desperately tried to flu away faster, but it was too late. Everything went black....

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