chapter 8: new friends.

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Spaine fell asleep for a whole two days straight. He felt so worn out, he didn't know what was wrong. The next planet they were going to arrive to took much longer than it usually does. Han was bouncing his foot with a bored expression while the ship landed very slowly at the next planet. This planet was an ice blue with navy blue spots sprinkled across it. It had villages everywhere, as if it was a kingdom. There were blue aliens everywhere, going about their life. Han sat up as the ship rocked back and fourth while landing in the planet. He grabbed Ki and Juo and left the room with Spaine following behind him.
"Why d-do we go on the p-planets with t-the aliens?" Spaine asked while tugging on Han's sleeve. Han looked down at him and shrugged. Spaine gulped at the thoughts of what could be on this planet. The last planet with civilization wasn't very friendly. He shuddered at the thought and kept on behind Han. He chewed his finger nails and waddled behind Han as they stepped on the dusty planet.
"Hm. They don't look very threatening." Han said, holding Juo close to his neck.
"Y-you never know." Spaine said.
"I guess your right. I wonder if they speak English." Han said while making his way towards them.
"H-hey." Spaine said while trying to catch up to Han. They all seemed pretty peaceful. One of the aliens saw Han and Spaine walking up to their village. All of them suddenly payed attention to the two of them.
"Ah! There all s-staring at us." Spaine said and hid behind Han. The dead cold eyes gazed at Han.
"They all look so... empty." Han said. One of the aliens got down on all fours, then the rest of them proceeded to follow. They ran up to Han, with the rest coming after him.
"Ah!" Spaine yelled. Han suddenly spread his wings as far out as they could go, making himself look bigger. The aliens backed away suddenly, looking rather startled. Spaine was shaking as fear filled his body. A bright light emitted from Han's sword as he pulled it out. The aliens backed away even further. Han opened his eyes to see the aliens sitting obediently.
"W-what are they doing?" Han asked Spaine.
"I-i don't k-know." Spaine said and started to come out from behind Han's back.
"I think there listening t-to you." Spaine said. Han curiously pointed his sword at the aliens. They all suddenly attacked the alien Han pointed to. They all got out of the pile, leaving the blood and bones from the alien in a small pile.
"I-i think I'm g-gonna be sick." Spaine said and covered his mouth. Han glared at the dead alien.
"I think they listen to me because of my sword." Han Said. He pointed the sword at the ground and the aliens started digging.
"Uh, stop." Han commanded. The aliens stopped and looked at Han.
"Haha, Spaine. They listen to us. We can make them do whatever we want." Han said happily.
"Uh. I-i don't l-like this." Spaine said.
"Why? We basically have our own army, isn't this cool?!" Han asked. Spaine made a face.
"Uh. Ask them to d-do something." Spaine said.
"Um, give us some food." Han said. The aliens ran back to the village.
"Come on!" Han said and grabbed Spaine's hand, pulling him to the village. Spaine followed reluctantly, he had a feeling that this was a bad idea

They reached the village. One of the aliens ran up to Spaine and handed him a bowl of some kind of weird looking object.
"I-is this some kind of s-space food?" Spaine asked and looked over to see Han shoving his face full of the weird food.
"Han! W-wait. Does it t-taste good?" Spaine asked and took a weird slimy star shaped object. It was a bright yellow with green food.
"Yeah. Try it." Han said. Hesitantly, Spaine placed the food in his mouth and started chewing.
"Crunchy..." Spaine said and made a face. He gagged and spit it out quickly.
"Ew! S-so sour-" Spaine coughed and gagged.
"I n-need something to drink." Spaine said and looked at the aliens. One of them raced to a fountain and handed him a glass of water.
"Finally, s-some normal Earth f-food." Spaine sighed and drank the water.
"Hm. I wonder what the other creatures took us here for." Han said and sat on the dusty ground.
"I dunno. I-is definitely a lot more p-peaceful here." Spaine took a deep breath. Spaine finally felt at peace.
"Yeah..." Han sighed. But the peace didn't last very long. Spaine let out a loud cry as a sharp pain spread throughout his back and on his shoulders.
"Are you alright???" Han asked.
"Y-yeah. It's just t-those vein things." Spaine sighed.
"Let me see." Han said and sat down behind Spaine. He lifted up his shirt and showed him his back. They had spread all over his back and his shoulders.
"Dear god. They spread." Han said anxiously.
"What? H-how much?!" Spaine said and stood up quickly.
"It's only on your upper back and shoulders." Han said, hoping he could comfort Spaine.
"What's g-gonna happen if they s-spread all over?" Spaine asked.
"I... I don't know." Han said quietly. One of the aliens walked up to Spaine and signaled him to follow. Han and Spaine shot each other a glance, and then followed the alien. They were lead down a tunnel lit by tiny bugs in jars. At the end was a bunch of book shelves and one giant book in the middle. It looked very important.
"What's t-this?" Spaine asked as Han sat down with him. The alien took the book and scrolled through some pages, and handed Han the book. There was a page with small illustrations. Han read through it and his eyes widened.
"What? W-whats it say?" Spaine asked curiously.
"It explains what the veins mean." Han said.
"W-well. What do they mean?" Spaine asked and looked at Han.
"It says here...

The veins of pining. They form when one person falls in deep love with another they've grown close to. The veins grow larger and spread further the more the person falls in love. The veins will have no affect at first. But then they will cause the person a great deal of pain as they compress their feelings for the other. The more they fall in love, the more pain it causes and the more it spreads.
The only way to cure this is a true loves kiss. If not cured in time, the person will fall very ill and die.." Han read it and looked at Spaine.
"That's really cheesy. 'True loves kiss.' So cliche." Han laughed, but Spaine was not enjoying it, in fact he was on the verge of tears. He stared lifelessly at the ground.
"I'll d-die if this isn't cured. I don't w-wanna die. I d-don't wanna die. W-who am I e-even in love w-with?!!!" Spaine cried out and grabbed his hair.
"Hey hey. Calm down. I'm sure there's another cure for this, we can fix this." Han tried to comfort him and grabbed his hands so he didn't pull his hair anymore.
"Jeez. Y-you right. Maybe they'll go away o-on their own. Like, I'm not e-even in l-love with anybody." Spaine sighed.
"I know. It's weird. I'm sure you'll be ok." Han smiled at him.
"Thanks." Spaine said and hugged Han suddenly.
"Okok. No need to get mushy." Han laughed.
"R-right. We should p-probably go." Spaine said and got up. Han followed behind him as they left the cave, with the aliens following behind them. The aliens gave them a bunch of the weird space fruit and a bunch of water for Spaine. They left peacefully, unlike all the other times.

Once they made their way to the ship it was already about to take off. All of the other creatures were boarding back on.
"Guess we have to wait for all of them to get back on." Han groaned and waited next to Spaine. They all got on very quickly and didn't notice Spaine and Han get on. Vibrations went throughout the ship as the giant door shut behind them. Silence filled the air and the two were left in the dark quiet hallway.
"Guess we should find another room." Han said and looked down the empty corridor of rooms.
"H-hey. Have you ever noticed the big glass pane that y-you can see through near t-the very top of t-the ship." Spaine said.
"Yeah, I think that's where the aliens control the ship." Han said.
"I w-wonder if there's a w-way you can get u-up there." Spaine said.
"Hm. Well there has to be a way up there if the aliens really control the ship from up there." Han said.
"I wanna g-go up there." Spaine said.
"I'm sure we could get up there. I just don't know how to get up there." Han said. A creature exited a room and started down the hallway.
"I think i-i know how." Spaine said and thought of a plan.
"How?" Han asked.
"We f-follow that creature. I'm s-sure they're g-going up there." Spaine said.
"Hm. Well we can try." Han said. Spaine grabbed Han's hand and started following the creature. The creature hadn't noticed them and kept walking. It had reached a tall black door and entered a code on the pin pad next to the door.
"H-hurry before it closes." Spaine said and they both rushed inside. This hallway was much longer. The ceiling was raised way up high and giant octagonal doors were stopping them from going any further. The creature kept entering codes for every door. After a while, they were greeted by a much larger door, which had strange markings on it, almost like they were drawings of the creatures. The door opened from every corner, spiraling open. Inside was an extremely large room. It was littered with the creatures, there were markings and drawings on the walls. There were separate ships located inside of this room on an elevated platform. They looked new. As Han and Spaine found a hiding place in the room, a creature was boarding one of the smaller ships, which was in the shape of a triangle and had a small cockpit for the pilot. Han peeked out from the large pillar they were hiding behind and watched as a smaller door opened, and the ship turned on and started moving forward. The ship left and started flying into the void of space. The door closed shortly after. Han could see where the ship was going from the large glass pain they were looking out of. Spaine wanted to see what was going on too and tried pushing Han out of the way to look.
"H-hey, stop shoving." Han said and pushed Spaine as well.
"D-don't be mean, I j-just wanna see." Spaine said and grabbed Han, moving him out of the way. Han and Spaine kept pushing and shoving until Spaine pushed Han from out of the pillar.
"Ow!" Han said and spread his wings wide open, drawing much attention to him.
All of the creatures turned and looked at him as he quickly stood up.
"Uh oh..." Han said.

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