chapter 4: New discoveries

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Spaine woke up from his nap in a daze. Han was still fast asleep and Sapine's legs were still elevated on Han's lap. Spaine moved his legs off of his lap and sat up to stretch. He heard his bones pop, and he yawned. Juo flew off of Han and wrapped around Spaine. He smiled and lightly rubbed his small head. Juo let out a small chirp and spread his wings. Suddenly Spaine's stomach growled and he hugged his stomach.
"I haven't e-eaten in forever I wonder h-how I'm still alive." He said to himself. He Thought for a Moment.
"I wonder if t-they have food h-here." He said to Juo. Spaine looked back at Han and decided to leave him be and let him sleep. Han snored soundly and Spaine smiled.
Juo chirped happily and wrapped around his neck tighter.
"Wanna go explore?" He asked Juo. He chirped again.
"O-ok, lets go!" Spaine said, and tiptoed to the door. He pressed the small button to open it automatically since opening it maually was too loud. Once he was in the hallway, he closed the door slightly.
"I-i hope those things aren't out here." Spaine said while petting Juo. Juo growled to show Spaine he would protect him. They looked down the hallways and made sure it was clear. They walled slowly down the quiet hallway, his footsteps echoing. Spaine's stomach growled again.
"OH man, i-im so hungry." Spaine complained. Juo purred in his ear.they kept walking until they started smelling something really good. It smelt like a fancy resturaunt, like a fresh cooked steak, and fresh steamed vegetables. Spaine sniffed it until his stomach growled again. He thought it was suspicious at first, but the hunger got the best of him. Once they reached the source of the smell, they made sure they were in the clear. Spaine walked inside of an empty room, nothing else except a plate of food was in there.
"Oh! Fooooodddd!" He said excitedly and ran over. Juo had never had human food so he got a small bite of it. Juo found this delicious and started eating more. The two of them were chowing down on the plate of food that they didn't even realize the door closing behind them. Once they finished, they turned to go back and relax after their meal but we're met by a closed door instead.
"Huh? W-who closed it?" Spaine asked while holding Juo close to his chest. Juo chirped quietly in confusion. They both stood there, until Spaine jumped up when he felt a warm breath on his neck.
"W-who's there?" Spaine asked. Nothing answered until a pair of pure white eyes looked back at him. A quiet hissing coming from the shadows sent shivers down his spine.
"O-oh no..." Spaine said while backing up. Two of the giant creatures stepped out of the dark. The small amount of light illuminating their scale covered chests. Spaine's lip quivered and Juo hissed at them. The creatures bared their teeth and made aggressive clicking noises.
"" the creature said slowly in a terrifying cold voice. A feeling of pure terror washed over Spaine.
"W-what? H-how do they k-know my name?" Spaine asked Juo. Juo chirped and they both backed away when the creature tried swiping at Juo. A strange feeling was filling Spaine from the inside, and he felt a sensation in his eyes. This is not a good time to start crying, Sapine! He thought to himself. He squinted when his vision got blurry and he felt angry for some reason. The creature stepped closer and hissed. The creature swiped at Juo, but they grabbed him this time. Juo let out a hiss/screech, and spread his wings in pain.
"H-hey!" Spaine yelled. The creature ignored Spaine and examined Juo.
"P-put him down!" Spaine yelled again. Anger filled Spaine and he clenched his fist. The creature squeezed Juo very tightly, making Juo squawk and flap his wings in panic. Spaine's eyes started to burn and he felt something coming. He braced, and let out a loud blood curdling scream. Beams shot from his eyes and his eyes hurt and burn. He backed into a door and grabbed the nearest wall and held on for life. A loud screeching combined with Spaine's yelling was enough to wake up Han. Han sat up quickly in a cold sweat. A loud high pitched screech filled his room, and then he heard Spaine screaming in pain. He panicked and grabbed Ki and opened the door without hesitation. He rushed down the hallway and found the source. He opened the door and was blinded by the light from the Beams coming out of Spaine's eyes. The Beams dissapeared suddenly and the creatures stood there. A giant hole was in the middle of their chests and blue goo oozed out of them. The creatures fell to their knees with a clicking noise fading into silence. Spaine sat by the door, panting heavily. Sweat ran down his face, and his eyes were bloodshot red.
"What was that?!" Ha asked.
"I-i don't know!" Spaine said. His hands shook violently and he lay his head back on the door.
"That was fucking awesome!" Han yelled at Spaine.
"I-it was?" Spaine asked confused, rubbing his eyes. Han laughed and helped Spaine up on his feet.
"How did you do that?!" Han asked.
"I-i have no idea, it just happened." Spaine said.
"Oh... that was still cool though!" Han said excited.
"Haha, look what you did to that thing! You destroyed it!" Han said while pointing at the giant hole in the middle of the creature.
"OH man... I g-guess I kinda did... heh." Spaine said with an awkward smile.
"Yeah you did!" Han said while patting Spaine on the back. Spaine groaned and rubbed his head and eyes in pain.
"What?" Han asked, the smile fading from his face quickly.
"Ugh, n-nothing. Just that r-really hurt my head... and my e-eyes." Spaine said.
"Oh. I'm sorry." Han said.
"No, i-its fine." Spaine said with a fake smile. Han nodded and walked back to the room with Spaine. Han kept talking about how cool that was, and how he wish he could do that to. Spaine just listened and smiled. Once they reached the room, Han helped Spaine out.
"You good?" Han asked. Spaine rubbed his neck and flinched.
"Can y-you check the back of m-my neck? It really h-hurts." Spaine asked while standing up and turning around. Han pulled Spaine's collar of his shirt down so he could see his neck better. He poked around, and finally found something strange. It was Spaine's veins, but a small patch of them were a dark blue and they were glowing. He poked it and Spaine flinched.
"Huh, weird." Han said.
"W-what is it?" Spaine asked.
"It's this." Han said. He pulled up his sleeve and revealed a patch of the same veins on his wrist. Spaine examined this closely.
"What a-are those?" Spaine asked.
"I have no idea. They only just appeared recently, like today." Han said while looking at me.
"They don't hurt for me though." Han said while poking at them.
"Oh." Spaine said.
"Let me see your neck again." Han asked. Spaine turned around and showed Han his neck. Han's fingers met Spain's neck, and he shivered. Han was very gentle, and Spaine admired that-
"Owww!" Spaine flinched and pulled away. The blue veins slightly spread across his neck even more. Spaine groaned and rubbed his neck.
"W-what did you do?" Spaine asked as tears formed in his eyes.
"I-i didn't do anything!" Han pleaded while backing away.
"The veins were spreading. Maybe that's what hurt you." Han said. Spaine sighed and buried his head in a pillow. Han patted his back and sat on the floor. He let Ki out of his cube. Ki playfully jumped out of the cube in the form of a dog. That seemed to be his favorite form to take. Ki barked and ran around the room. He jumped up and down and sniffed everything, including Spaine. When he sniffed Spaine he stopped dead in his tracks. He stood extremely still and suddenly disappeared into his cube. Juo unraveled from Spaine's neck and flew away to Han. Han was confused. They only did this when something was wrong, especially with people they care about.
"Spaine?" Han asked and turned his head to look at Spaine. Spaine was looking out the window, in a trance by something. Han sat up and sat next to Spaine and pared out the window along with him. The ship was arriving twords another planet. Hopefully this was their last stop. The planet was big and yellow, with green and blue stripes covering the planet. It looked like a weird painting. The planet looked barren, like nobody was there.
"Spaine?" Han asked.
"Look." Spaine said while raising a shaky finger to point out of the window. Han looked closely and his eye widened. There was someone waving, from the planet. It was a human. Han looked closely and gasped. There standing, was Claire and his children...

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