Chapter 3: Great Escape.

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"Uhm, s-sacrifice for what exactly?" Spaine asked while backing up.
"Well, sacrifice for us, what else would it be for. We haven't had a good meal in centuries, and since you two decided to drop by, we figured you two would be a great meal for our village." The shun said with a sinister smile.
"N-no! You can't do that!" Spaine said.
"Says who?" The shun asked.
"U-uh, them!" Spaine yelled and then pointed at the creatures who were eating the blood off of their planet.
"Haha! They can't do anything! You might as well surrender now." The shun said.
"N-no! We, we.... uh we are t-there prisoners. A-and if you sacrifice us then they'll kill you!" Spaine yelled. That sounded ridiculous even to Han.
"Oh, is that so?" The shun asked.
"Y-yeah!" Spaine yelled back. The shun shrugged and turned o look at the creatures. The shun made some clicking noises twords the other creatures. They creatures looked up, and their barely visible pupils constricted. They all stood up, acting like they just saw an explosion. The shun's made more clicking noises, and the creatures hissed back. The shun acted suprised and made some more clicking noises. Two of the other shun's grabbed Spaine and Han and put them in armlocks. Spaine started freaking out, and kicked the shun in their knee. The shun hissed and but Spaine's neck, Spaine slowly dozed off. The creatures sat up and started moving twords the shun.
"What did you do to him?" Han asked worridley. Han didn't know why he was worried about Spaine, but he just felt this urge to protect him. The creatures moved closer and started forming a circle around the shun's. The shun hissed and clicked violently. When the creatures started howling and screeching, the shun's pulled Han and Spaine back even more. Silence filled the planet, and all that sounded was soft wind. The creatures jumped at the shun and attacked him. The other shun's holding Spaine and Han started running away into the village. A loud siren started and yelling and talking filled the village once they saw Spaine and Han. Cheering started. The shun's didn't pay attention and instead ran inside of a large building. The shun's struggled to open the door as the ground shook. Han looked behind him and saw a group of the creatures running quickly towards them. The shun's hissed nervously and opened the door. Right when the aliens were about to pounce on them, the shun's shut the door and locked it. They hauled Han and Spaine away to an empty room. Everything was dark and the sound of loud yelling from outside filled the room.
"Let us go!" Spaine said while struggling to get out.
"Sorry, but we cant." The shun said as they left the room and slammed the door behind them. Han groaned as he nervously tried the break free of the chains. Han was too busy to notice that Spaine had woke up. Spaine finally got Han's attention when he started crying silently. Han looked over to see tears running down Spaine's face. Han didn't know how to react. He had never helped somebody when they were upset, he didn't know how to comfort people. His thoughts roamed and he though of something to say.
"Uh, why are you crying?" Han asked with an attitude. He continued picking at the chains. Spaine didn't answer and continue sobbing.
"WHY are you crying?" Han asked again with a groan. Spaine didn't answer. Han was getting frustrated and he couldn't help it.
"WHY ARE YOU CRYING?! I CAN'T HELP YOU IF YOU JUST KEEP CRYING!" Han yelled as he gave up on breaking the chains.
"I-I DON'T KNOW, JUST STOP YELLING!" Spaine cried out. He buried his head in his knees and sobbed. Guilt filled Han's gut. He couldnt help it. It wasn't his fault. But maybe it was was. No, he shouldn't feel bad for someone. But something made Han feel extra bad about yelling at Spaine. Han thought for a moment.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." Han said quietly, and picked at the chipped paint on the floor.
"I don't usually comfort people. I never helped people actually. I'm a horrible person." Han said.
"No. Your not." Spaine said. Han gave him a questioned look.
"Your not, I k-know your f-frustrated right now. I-im just really scared right n-now..." Spaine said quietly. Han looked over at Spaine and sighed.
"I'm sure we'll be ok... hopefully this all passes over soon, and we'll be on that ship. And I'll be ok, and you'll be ok. It's gonna be all right." Han said. Spaine looked over.
"Are you sure?" Spaine asked hopelessly. Han reached over and grabbed Spaine's hands.
"You can't lose hope now, Spaine. We'll be ok, I'm sure of it." Han said and squeezed Spaine's hands. Spaine looked down at this, and then back up at Han.
"O-oh, sorry." Han said while letting go quickly. Spaine was going to say something when the room filled with a bad feeling. The talking from the shun's outside stopped. There was no more yelling, no more fighging, nothing.... just complete silence. Spaine shifted nervously and looked at Han. Loud footsteps traveled up the stone staircase leading up to their room. Spaine backed into the wall. The footsteps got louder and closer. The boys, filled with anxiety waited. The footsteps stopped by their door. A quiet hissing echoed through the hallway and into the room. Juo wrapped around Han's hand and squeezed it. The door flew across the room and hit the wall right next to Spaine. They both yelled and jumped up. A large creature was standing there, casting a large black shadow over Spaine. It hissed and stood there waiting for something. Two other creatures leaped in and grabbed the two boys. They both yelled and struggled to get out, but they couldn't. The creatures ran quickly out if the building and into the village. A look of pure horror formed on Spaine's face as he saw what was left of the village. The shun's were laying in piles and spread across the ground with a blue and red liquid oozed out of them. The planet was stripped of the blood once covering it.
"Oh god...." Spaine said to himself. The creatures ran quickly towards the large ship that was waiting for them. Other creatures hissed and screeched as they loaded on the ship. Han grabbed his locket containing his sword and clicked it. The sword sprung out and stabbed through the creature that was holding Han. The creature let out a loud ear bleeding screech as it dropped Spaine. Han grabbed the sword and stabbed the creature that had Spaine glued to its side. It hissed and backed away and dropped Spaine as well. The creatures made themselves look big, and hissed at Han. Spaine sat up and ran down the hallway, grabbing Han's hand and pulling him along. The creatures ran after them until they were stopped by a door slamming in their face. Spaine breathed heavily and wiped his forehead as the creatures hit the door, trying to get in. Spaine looked up at Han and then walked over to sit next to him on the bed that was identical to the one they were on before. Spaine laid down and stretched his legs out across Han's lap, which Han didn't seem to mind. Spaine closed his eyes and dozed off soundly.

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