chapter 7: star gazing.

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They settled in the room and got comfortable. A small growl came from Spaine's hand , and Han looked over confused.
"Was that you?" Han asked.
"N-no." Spaine said quickly. Another growl came from his hands again, but this time the dragon busted out of Spaine's grasp and started flying around happily.
"Really?! You brung him with us?!" Han said.
"I'm sorry! H-he was just too c-cute to leave behind." Spaine said while nuzzling the dragons snout.
"Oh my gosh. Well he's your responsibility now." Han said. Spaine shrugged and started playing with the dragon. After a while, the animals were fast asleep and Spaine and Han were left to their own devices.
"H-hey Han." Spaine asked.
"Yeah?" Han asked.
"C-can you tell me what couples d-did on Earth? Like W-what you did w-with your w-wife." Spaine asked. Han thought for a moment.
"Yeah, sure." Han said.
"Well we did a lot of things. Like we ate out, we built stuff, we star gazed-" Han said before getting cut off by Spaine.
"W-whats star gazing?" Spaine asked.
"O-oh. It's when people usually couples, would go out at night. Usually at grassy Hills where it was very dark, and watch the stars. Very romantic." Han said.
"O-oh." Spaine said. It was silent for a moment.
"Could you s-star gaze out here? L-like in space?" Spaine asked.
"Yeah of course. It would probably be way better to star gaze way out here. With all the different galaxies and stuff." Han said.
"Oh. C-could we star gaze?" Spaine asked. Han looked over at Spaine, who was blushing.
"Yeah." Han said. He sat up and looked at Spaine. Spaine sat up and followed Han down the hallway. There was a big window that slid open near their room. Han opened it and crawled out. The void of space rushing in, Spaine grabbed Han's hand and crawled out of the window. He leaped out and Han pulled him up. Their chests touching and their faces almost meeting. Their noses touched one anothers. Spaine smiled awkwardly as Han looked away while flying upwards awkwardly. They finally reached the roof of the ship and found a comfy spot to sit. They both got comfortable.
"S-so what do you do now?" Spaine asked.
"You watch the stars." Han said.
"O-oh." Spaine said, and stared at one single star. He looked over at Han who was laying down on his back and looked comfortable. Han smiled at Spaine, who laid down next to Han. Spaine made sure he didn't move to close to Han, and focused on the Galaxy above them. The blues and purples clashed so beautifully, forming beautiful creations out in space. Spaine was so intent on the stars that he didn't notice how close Han had moved to Spaine. Their sides touched. Spaine's heart raced as soon as he realized this. He kept trying to focus on the stars until he felt something wrap around his neck. He looked over and saw Han's arm wrapped around him. Han pulled him closer to where Spaine was basically hugging Han. Spaine hesitated, but then latched onto Han and relaxed. They laid there for an hour. The pain in Spaine's neck started up, and he flinched at this. It pulsed throughout his whole body, and set pain down his spine. He tried to ignore it, but it got unbearable when Han pulled him closer. Spaine sat up quickly, startling Han. Spaine grabbed his neck and took deep breaths.
"You ok?" Han asked while sitting up. Spaine groaned in response. Tears formed in Spaine's eyes as the pain pulsed throughout him. It felt like he was getting stabbed and he couldn't do anything to stop it. He couldn't hold it in anymore and started sobbing.
"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Han asked, he lifted Spaine's head up to face Han. Tears rolled down Spaine's face. Spaine turned around and showed Han
His neck.
"Oh my gosh..." Han said, and lightly ran his fingers down Spaine's neck.
"Take your shirt off real quick." Han demanded.
"W-why?" Spaine asked.
"Just do it." Han said. Spaine slowly took his shirt off. Han gasped when he saw Spaine's back. The blue veins covered his entire back, spreading everywhere. They were pulsating and they looked irritated. Han lightly touched one, and Spaine cried out. He got up and backed away from Han quickly. Tears still pouring down Spaine's face.
"I-im sorry. I didn't do anything. I swear." Han said.
"I-i know." Spaine said while walking back over to Han. He handed Spaine his shirt and he put it back on. Han sat down with a sigh. Spaine sat down next to him and rested his head on Han's shoulder.
"Hey." Han said.
"Y-yeah?" Spaine asked.
"Follow me." Han said while standing up and grabbing Spaine's hand. He grabbed his hand and started running to the front of the ship.
"Grab on." Han said while spreading his arms. Spaine slowly hugged him, and then grabbed on tightly. Suddenly Spaine felt a sinking feeling in his stomach and wind blew on the back of his head. He closed his eyes tightly, but then heard a voice.
"Open your eyes." Han said. Spaine squinted, and then his eyes widened once he saw he was floating far away from the ship. Stars were everywhere, clashing with the violet galaxies. He moved his body up further to where he was inches away from Han's face. They smiled at eachother and started flying around in circles. They both laughed happily. Han started making his way back to the ships after a few minutes. He landed on top of the ship where they were previously. Spaine dusted himself off. He sat back down while Han stretched his wings. Han laid out across the ship and sighed.
"Well, that was fun." Han said while looking over at Spaine, who was scratching his neck violently.
"Y-yeah, it was." Spaine said. He tried to smile but he was too concentrated on making the pain in his neck go away. Han patted his back.
"I'm sure you'll feel better soon." Han smiled at Spaine, and Spaine smiled back. Han laid down next to Spaine and curled up next to his side. Spaine looked up at the stars and sighed. This didn't feel right to Spaine, Han was married and probably wasn't looking for a relationship, but here he is laying by Spaine. Spaine moved away and faced his back towards Han. He heard Han stand up. Spaine just laid there and fell asleep very quickly. Spaine was very tired and would rather sleep instead, even if he was outside on top of the ship. Han sat back down next to Spaine with a sigh.
"Hey you ok?" Han asked while putting his hand on Spaine's side. Spaine flinched at this, and curled up further in a ball.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. J-just tired." Spaine said. Han sighed and sat up.
"C,mon. I don't wanna leave you here." Han said. Spaine groaned and sat up slowly. Spaine followed after Han. Spaine stopped behind Han.
"What's wrong?" Han asked while opening his wings.
"Nothing. I-is there any other way t-that I could go i-inside?" Spaine asked.
"Uh, nothing that I know about." Han said.
"You can just grab on to my back and I can fly to the entrance."  Han said.
"Uh, can y-you go grab Ki and h-he can fly m-me back i-inside?" Spaine asked.
"Uh, I guess." Han said.
"I'll be back." Han spread his wings and flew off to the entrance. Spaine sat back down with a sigh. Spaine looked at the stars and wished he was back home, wished he knew everything about himself, he just wanted to be normal. Han flew back to Spaine quickly with Ki in his hand. He let go of Ki and he emerged as a neon blue dragon. Spaine climbed on Ki's back and held on tightly. Ki roared proudly and took off. Han followed behind him and they made their way inside of the ship. Ki landed smoothly and quickly transformed back into a dog once they got inside. Ki barked and ran behind Han as they walked silently down the hall. Spaine looked at Han, who was walking silently down the hall not saying a word or batting an eye twords Spaine. Is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Spaine thought to himself nervously and started biting his finger nails. Once they got in the room again, Han flopped down on the bed and fell asleep, not saying anything to Psiane the whole time.

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