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camillecheri imagine writing a whole fucking article accusing me essentially of cheating whilst also acknowledging the clear truth that i was with FRIENDS.
camillecheri just because chris and i once dated, it in no way means we can't be friends. we ended on amicable terms, and it's important to remember we were friends before we were partners. we share a loving group of friends, and to avoid eachother would be ridiculous.
camillecheri i have every ounce of love and care for chris, even if it's not in the way i once did. but don't you DARE make accusations that make me appear like i'd ever hurt the people i care about. i'd never fucking do that.
camillecheri also...... timothée and i both have lives outside of our relationship. yes we spend lots of time together but he doesn't have to go everywhere with me — he had his OWN plans last night. sorry to disappoint ur bullshit narrative of me leaving him at home to go be a cheat.
camillecheri i've been vilified by the media for far too long for my relationships, and i've just about had enough. i'm happy with timothée and it's none of your business who my friends are or even what mine and timothée's relationship status is.
camillecheri i know my career means i'm most certainly going to end up in the tabloids etc but i didn't ask for such constant negative invasions of my privacy at every turn i take. i'm young, i'm making the most of my time & no journalist is going to determine how i get to do that.
camillecheri anyway: rant over. i'm off to get iced tea with sienna & eat copious amounts of cheesecake to pretend this shit didn't happen✌🏼

another update of cami telling everyone to fuck off essentially . enjoy :~)

rereading the mortal instruments books atm and i miss jace . i'm cryin help if anyone's read any good tmi fics (especially if they're book/film inspired not shadowhunters) pls send them my way x x x

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