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tchalamet yes, i can read

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tchalamet yes, i can read

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usera yes, i am w*t after seeing this

userb timmy being more active on his socials is amazing We Love This Song

userc yeah hey is this 911? i cant breathe

camidickens boys who can read🤩🤤🥺🥵😍
L tchalamet 😎😎😎

userd camille ...... cheri ...... dickens .....
L usere this is like a fanfic
L userf i KNOW she tweeted n now they talk
L userg they're both famous it's easy😔

armiehammer you've finally learnt then
armiehammer i'm very proud
armiehammer only took a pretty girl to inspire u
L tchalamet oi

userh can we talk about cami and timothée interacting i literally can't comprehend this

useri cami finally hitting on someone younger than 30 we love that

userj defo are not reading that

userk armie approves of timothée and cami and that makes me SO happy

sldickens it's ok, cami couldn't read english til she was like.... 8
L camidickens YEAH cos i spent longer than u did, asshat !!!!!
L sldickens that was a trap to check if ur lurking on timothée's comments....... i was right
L camidickens 😳😔

userl i love that cami likes timothée this much and he obviously feels the same like my HEART IS MELTING

userm i'm ..... dead
userm wow

usern says "yes, i can read" like he doesn't spend half of cmbyn reading....... ok slip
L tchalamet 👊🏼😳🤚🏼

usero the way timmy keeps on using sarcastic emojis....... i love cami's impact
L camidickens what can i say🤪
L usero truly legendaric.

this is pointless ahahahah
just wanted a timmy insta post tbh
actual interesting stuff is coming up !!!!

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