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thank u for temporarily scaring
timmy enough for drunk me to
get on a plane hehe i hope he
isn't too mad when i get there

i'm sure it'll be fine, babe
he loves you and he wants
to be with you as much as
you wanna be with him so
even if he's stressed now
it'll be fine as soon as he
sees you ❤️

he's really worried, but i've done
my best to reassure him without
making him suspect, i felt awful
mentioning chris but i didn't know
what to say i panicked i'm still

literally terrified, chris had to
buy my plane ticket for me
cos i've been panicking so
much djhdhshshe

i've just landed, spoken to
one of his cast mates (z) and
i have his hotel and stuff so
i'll text them when i get to
the hotel EIDHSHSHGS

excited for my fave couple to
be reunited EEP ❤️
so much love for you i love
seeing you so in love babe

you mean the whole world to
me and you have for so long
i'm so grateful for you helping
me through so much shit and
still supporting me after me and
chris broke up especially xxx

you're my honorary extra sister
babe! i'd always support you, i
love u so so so so much and i've
loved watching you thrive atm,
u deserve it SO much

stop ur amazing i love u so much
ive gtg collect my bags and shit
but i shall keep u updated baby!

you better !!!!!!
can't wait ❤️❤️❤️
enjoy my love x

extra chapter so u know not to hate cami too much even tho scaring him was lowkey cruel >:(

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