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—adding this as it's something everyone
points out so i thought i'd point this out
for any new readers in advance because
comments about it make me feel like i
should rewrite lots of this (not anyone's
fault but mine!)

timothée's personality in this, in some ways, is very unlike what his actual personality seems to be. he is very bold, a lot less shy/awkward & much more open than i think timothée would be in this situation.

however this is fanfiction — and i wrote this for a bit of fun, idealising a bold, open timothee because it fit my plan for the story. if you don't like that, that's completely fine, i just thought it was worth warning anyone expecting a shy, quiet timothee . the story moves a little fast, but it was just what i had planned when i wrote it.

thank you anyway for reading, i hope
you enjoy. x

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