chapter t w e l e v e

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phoenix montaluna

I stumbled as I ran down the long narrow hallway that was illuminated by the lamp down the hall making it a dim setting.My breathing and accelerated heartbeat were the only things I could hear ringing against my eardrums.I felt the air in my lungs decreasing as I kept trying to run in the darkness,following the loud cries of the locked in little ones.I felt my sobs threatening to free their selves from the large amount of pain inside of me.My hair stuck to my forehead from the mixture of sweat and blood,my mouth tasted the red color of my blood and my hands gripped onto the door frames trying to balance my shaken body,trying to get to where I needed,but I fail when I felt his long fingers locking in with my hair.

I felt this horrendous cry coming from my mouth as his hand pulled back making me fall into his body from the way he tugged my hair with force.My scalp burned just like my stomach from where he burned out his cigarette on me.I kicked as his hand covered my mouth,preventing the yells from leaving my mouth and I couldn't free myself when his large arms picked me up-- taking me back to the door near the lamp down the hall which was my room.The room was tainted,you could see the splatters of blood on the bottom of the walls,you could see dried up blood in the very corner of the bedroom that was hidden by a dresser and you could see the scratches on the wooden floors,from the struggles of trying to be freed from his punishments.

My head smashed into the wall once he shoved me inside the bedroom,locking the door to prevent the little ones or Diego from stopping the punishment I would endure.But,I knew they wouldn't come.They were beat up,locked in a room down the hall,yelling for the pain to stop,but it wouldn't stop anytime soon.I felt his large hands gripping my neck,squeezing as he yelled,my green eyes looked into his blue ones that were full of darkness while mine were full of tears.My breathing came out in slow rasps,I didn't even beg for mercy,instead I actually wished he squeezed harder just so I could die.I would want nothing more than to leave this world,to end this pain I felt in my sore broken bones,to leave this bruised up body that once belonged to a kind little girl full of nothing,but stickers on her arms because they made her feel happy,and I just wanted to die because I was sinking into a swirl of depression as the days passed by.I can smile,I can talk,I can laugh,but I still wanted to die.

I gasped loudly when his hands left my throat,and the air I inhaled burned inside me,but just as quickly as the air entered my lungs,it left just as fast when his rough hand hit across my cheek.I fell to the floor,using my arms to break my fall and instead of seeing the wooden floor-- I saw stars.I shook my head,trying to regain my vision and when I did,all I saw were droplets on the wooden floor.drip.drip.dr-drip,drip. I stared at the droplets,trying to tell the difference between them-- were they my blood or simply my tears?

"You slapped me,you elbowed me in the eye and then you disappear for almost two weeks...jesus Nixy,you sure are getting one hell of beating tonight princess." He laughed down at me,while I only clenched my eyes tightly to afraid to look into his eyes.The memories of when I escaped him flashed through my mind,I remember slapping him,I remember him cutting me and I remember escaping.But those memories drifted as soon as the cold leather ripped through the fabric of my white t-shirt and my yells began.

"Please,please,please...s-stop." I screamed as pulled me up by the hair to throw me onto my bed.My back hitting against the mattress burned just as much as having boiling water thrown on you,which is something I have felt many times before.I moved onto my side,pulling my knees to my chest as his hovered over me.Liquid was spilling from my back,from the belt hitting me at a rapid speed.The crimson color spilled from my mouth and lips from how many times I bit myself after he would slap me or when I tried to suppress the screams.It dripped from my head and ears from the many times my head knocked into the onto the wooden floors or walls.

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