Pool party!

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"Let's do karaoke!" Bulma said wanting to impress Kakarot with her voice vegeta rolled his eyes getting out of the pool before being dragged in he had enough unwrapping Kakarot's arms around him "yeah I'll do it" vegeta said a scowl on his face his arms crossed 

Bulma shrugged and vegeta put on a song getting out of the pool a microphone in hand.

Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like
Everyone was staring at him Kakarot still had that smirk on his face 
I can always see 'em coming, from the left or from the rightI don't want to be a priss, I'm just try'na be polite
But it always seems to bite me in the

Vegeta stared dead right on the eyes of Kakarot who was still smirking goku was staring open mouth
Ask me for my number, yeah, you put me on the spot
Vegeta leaned down his face inches away from Kakarots, Kakarot raised an eyebrow when vegeta smirked And pushed him into the deep water Kakarot came back up and Vegeta was standing 

You think that we should hook up, but I think that we should not
Vegeta crossed his arms and Kakarot kept that infuriating smirk on his face 
You had me at "hello", then you opened up your mouth
Vegeta rolled his eyes as Kakarot laughed 
And that is when it started going south
Kakarot got out of the pool walking towards vegeta 
Oh!Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips
Goku growled as Kakarot smirked "first aren't you?" He said vegeta growled and batted his arms away 
Stop your staring at my hey!
Vegeta growled as Kakarot chuckled 
Take a hint, take a hint
No you can't buy me a drink, let me tell you what I thinkI think you could use a mint
Vegeta tapped Kakarot on the nose a sly smirk coming over his face while Kakarot looked confused 
Take a hint, take a hint
T-take a hint, take a hintI guess you still don't get it, so let's take it from the top
Vegeta walked forward hid finger pushing Kakarot back if there was one thing he inherited from his counterpart was curiosity
You asked me what my sign is, and I told you it was "stop"
Vegeta finally stopped everyone staring at him 
And if I had a dime for every name that you just dropped
He pointed to Kakarot again 
You'd be here and I'd be on a yacht
He pushed Kakarot in a smirk coming over his face 
Oh!Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
No you can't buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think

Vegeta began to walk away near the door before an band grabbed his shoulder yanking him back 
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
T-take a hint, take a hintWhat about "no" don't you get?
Kakarot smirked and vegeta growled goku was close to jumping out the pool and pounding Kakarot into the dirt destroying that face once and for all but managed to keep his cool
So go and tell your friendsI'm not really interested
Vegeta looked at goku and goku shrunk and flinched under his gaze 
It's about time that you're leavin'
Vegeta saw Kakarot laugh coldly 
I'm gonna count to three and
Open my eyes and
You'll be goneOneGet your hands off myTwoOr I'll punch you in the
Kakarot raised his arms in mock surrender 
ThreeStop your staring at my hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
I am not your missing link
Vegeta opened the door Kakarot laughed evilly 
Let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
Take a hint, take a hint
Woah!Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
T-take a hint, take a hint

Vegeta left and Kakarot smirked evilly "only in a matter of tiny you'll be Mine prince" he mumbled leaving everyone staring at the door in shock while goku put his head in his hands "if it's bad boys you like vegeta.... then I'll be one" goku mumbled to himself also getting out of the pool

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