Bad boy goku

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Sorry for the late updates! I wrote fuck and tapped speak lmfao yeah it's a short update I'm fucking tired 💤 

The next morning~

Vegeta dropped the spoon in his hand, his jaw was open wide and so were his eyes. Was everything flipping on its head? He really didn't know. Why was vegeta asking that? Well goku was dressed in black skinny jeans a rust red shirt his hair was messed up more and he had a devilish smirk on his face, everyone's jaw dropped as goku walked over to vegeta confidence in his stride. "Why hello prince" he purred goku had stayed up all night watching bad boy movies and becoming one. Bad boys took what they wanted and took no shit from anyone, sounded like vegeta.

Goku sat on his chair and smirked leaning back as vegeta caught himself, he was staring! Vegetas direction went back to his plate till he felt a pressure on his thigh. His eyes nearly fell out of his head when he saw it was goku not Kakarot's hand. Seriously did they mix the two up!? They couldn't have. Kakarot walked in and his jaw hit the floor as goku smirked at him. Vegeta wanted to smash his head into the table!

Now their was two hotties- clowns! after him he quickly changed his thoughts, vegetas face burned red. He did not just call goku hot! Vegeta looked to his right to see goku growling and moving his hand off vegetas thigh. Vegeta got up and ran, vegeta then realised he was running and walked inside his pride refusing to allow such an act.

Kakarot came in and grabbed vegetas waist putting vegeta on his lap and smirking at goku who growled and melted his fork with a ki blast. "Why are they after vegeta?" Bulma asked "yeah gokus my husband!" Chi-chi said "and vegetas mine!" Bulma yelled "then why we're you trying to seduce Kakarot?" 18 asked her voice dry and without emotion with an eyebrow raised and her legs crossed.

Bulma and chi-chi blushed "cause" both said trying to make an excuse and flustered. Vegeta found himself stuck in a middle with two angry saiyen's beside him and he was the trigger, Vegeta knew one thing for certain if they didn't want the Earth to be blown up they were gonna have to send Kakarot back to his own universe.

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