FORTY TWO: Two Sides of the Same Coin

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"Mrs. Takami, I assure you, your son will be in great hands." I didn't like that guy's face. It was all pinched, like the old plasticine at kindergarten. "It's not forever, you know that. Keigo has an amazing gift. Not once has there ever been a child who has saved that many people so young."

My mother chewed on her lip, something she often did when she was nervous, I had discovered. I was nervous too. There were too many creepy looking guys in suits.
"I's just that he's so young...It's going to be so quiet around the house without him..."

Wait, without me..?

I squeezed my plush Endeavor close to my chest, shuffling my feet around. The only reason I hadn't whined and complained about coming to this meeting was because my mother had said it might give me a chance to meet the amazing flame hero. I was still confused as to why she had insisted I pack a bag, though.

"Look at it this way, Mrs. Takami...Keigo will save hundreds, if not thousands of people one day, all thanks to this program. We can help him become the next symbol of peace, just like All Might. Don't you want that for your boy? You seemed to when you signed the contract last week." The words they were speaking didn't make sense to me, and my wings began to curl over my shoulders.

"Mama...I wanna go home now...I'm gonna miss Sven and Rimpy..." I whimpered, tugging on her skirt. When she looked down at me, I wasn't sure why I got worried. Her hazel eyes were big and sad, and her lip seemed to wobble.
"Uh...honey...I'm sorry...but...You're not...You'll be..."

"Keigo, my boy. You will be staying with us for a while. Say goodbye to your mother, and we can get you started." One of the other men in the room cut her off, and my blood ran cold. Whatever they were going on about, the only part I could understand was the word goodbye and mother. Immediately I latched onto her leg, my ragged, stuffed Endeavor being squashed against her inner thigh.

"Mama, I don't wanna! They're scary! If I'm too loud I'll shut up! I'll get better at my counting, too! I'll even stop flying onto the roof, just please don't leave me with them!" Hot tears began to stream down my cheeks, dampening her periwinkle skirt, but what frightened me the most was the fact that she was trying to pry me off.

"S..sweetheart...GoGo, honey, please! Don't make a scene..!" Biting her lip, she fought against me, winning easily and spinning me around to face the group of men. "You'll understand when you're older! This is the best, for both of us! You can be just like Mr. Endeavor, and mama will be able to pay all the bills without having to work day and night! Isn't that great?"

No! It isn't! I don't care about money!

Shaking my head wildly, I tried to whirl back around, but all my strength was being sapped by my hiccuping sobs.
"No! No no no! I'll get a job too, then! Just like you and daddy! I'll make twelveteenst as much as you both do, then you won't stop loving me and I can stay with you forever!" My mother nudged me forward, and I stumbled before two firm hands came down on my shoulders.

"He'll be fine, Mrs. Takami. You're free to visit once a month. Can't have too many distractions, you know. I assure you, we'll look after him." Panic completely overtook me when she turned away, and my quirk activated on its own. A red flurry burst from my wings, and in seconds there was a feathered barricade at the door.
"Mama, no! Whatever I did, I'll stop doing it! W..was it when I tipped the juice all over the floor last week?! Was it wh..when I called Daddy a butt?! I'll never do it again! Mama, please, don't go away..!"


A soft, shaky sigh left my mother's lips, but she didn't turn around. Her long, ashy hair streamed down to the middle of her back, but it kind of waved a little with minor movements. Shudders.
"Gogo, be a good boy and let me through, please. What did I tell you about being rude?"

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