Final A/N

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So, the book is complete.


I honestly have so many emotions tied to this story. It's by far one of my favourites. It has allowed me to explore very sensitive subjects, and learn how to write from the heart.

I love Hawks as a character. He's actually one of my few comfort characters, and believe me, it hurt to end it like this, but it has been the plan from the beginning.

I honestly apologise if this has seriously upset any of my readers.

Not all stories have happy endings. The same as real life. I don't have the ability to write fluffy little stories that all result in happiness and rainbows. I could if I really forced myself to, but I would be betraying myself as a writer.

But seriously, I'm so sorry if this story has upset/triggered you. I love each and every person who reads my work, even if they just flick through a single chapter and decide it isn't for them. You still gave my writing a chance, and that means more to me than you could ever begin to imagine.

This is the first, full length fic exceeding 17 chapters that I've completed, and it's a bittersweet feeling. On one hand, im sad that it's over, because I love writing Hawks and this particular reader character. On the other, I'm proud of myself for actually completing a proper project for once. I have a horrible problem with losing interest, motivation and getting distracted, and this allowed me to prove to myself that I can actually do it.

As for this ending...

I know a lot of you believed that the A and B options I provided were happy and sad. They were both sad endings, in different ways. I won't say too much, because maybe I'll choose to write the alternative in the future. Maybe.

Despite the little cliff hanger I left at the end of the final chapter, I highly doubt there will be a sequel or continuation. I'm just cruel in my writing. My bad.

[ EDIT TO ADD - I know a lot of you are upset/pissed about Natsuo. To give further details, it was 4 years after Hawks that they decided to become a couple again. In no way did he try to take advantage of (Y/N) or try to replace Hawks in any way. In fact, he declined her initial advance, in fear of taking said advantage. Things just happened, as they do in real life.

With Suzume calling him dad, they tried to get her to call him otherwise, but babies be babies. Also, regarding not telling Suzume about Hawks. (Y/N) knew it was wrong, but it was painful. Grief and being overprotective caused her to keep quiet until questions arose.

So yeah, I understand people getting upset about it, but that was the point. Just because this was a Hawks x Reader doesn't automa mean they'll end up together, or happy.]

Again, thank you so much for reading Icarus. I love you all, and I hope you continue enjoying people's stories, whether they be here on Wattpad, other online media, physical books or writing them yourself.

Never lose that enjoyment.

-Mombat x

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