Journey I

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"ARI! WAKE UP!" a voice shouted by my ear. 

I woke with a start. I saw her standing by my door.

"Ryn!" I was startled as I saw her fully armored. From head to toes. With those ancient iron and steel clothing. Her helmet resting on her loose black hair as they flow on the air, along with her red cape. Her long metal spear steady on her hands. The spear's point glistened under the sun rays light above her. 

"The BarBars killed our watchmen and a few of our soldiers while you're busy snoring. We counted the bodies. 16 dead. 2 cavalries and 14 footmen. They took the horses too." she said, nonchalantly as I began putting on my boots.

Then, it struck me.

"Where's Mia?" I asked. Ryn's eyes stared straight to my soul. My heart beats faster than ever, waiting for the worst.

"She went back home," Ryn said as she left my quarters.

I hurriedly walked to her side. "What happened?"

"She left a note and -"

"What?! A note?! She could have been kidnapped!" I literally screamed. I almost made a run to Pegasus when Ryn jerked my arms.

"And... she talked to me last night by 10. The Barbars attacked by 3 this morning. She's safe. She said she can't stand this strict army rules. Funny for the future Queen of the land responsible for people." Ryn hissed as she let go of my arm. "And you, as a future queen of one of the Main Lands, you should analyze the situation before concluding."

I stood there and just nodded. After all, she's older than me by 7 years anyway. Older means more experience right? I hope Mia is okay. Although she's the same age as me, she had always been pampered and lived a way more secluded life than me. Staying in the palace from her birth. Haven't even run freely. It must have been hard for her to join this expedition.

I silently followed her into the main headquarters and sat on the chair I once sat yesterday, staring at the empty sit by my right.

Ryn sat on the sit to my right as she took her Iron helmet off. The circular table just felt empty. 

"We're late for 2 hours. I should have punished you but you're lucky to have my brother engaged to you. I can't do much now."

"Oh... wait what?!" I asked, panic-stricken. I don't remember having an engagement before.

"Of course, the news came an hour earlier. You're still snoring." Ryn said. Oh, come on! I slept at 2... It's normal for me to wake up at 8. I only got 6 hours to sleep... I wanted to debate, but there is a bigger fish to fry here.

"What do you mean?" 

"It means we are soon to be sisters-in-law," she said as she clicked on the URH.

"How? When?" I asked, baffled.

Ryn looked slightly annoyed but she soon sat back down and looked at me seriously.

"When as in when is the marriage, or when did he started growing feelings for you?"

I just stared at her blankly. Trying to find out if she's just messing around. Though it's very unlikely for Wu Taryne to make jokes.

"You mean... this engagement is proposed by him? Not Queen Wu?"

"Yes. I guess you have not even the slightest idea of what's happening here So, I'll start from the beginning then."

I sat back, mouth wide open as Ryn told her - no, my story.

"Do you remember when you first met?" 

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