ARMASTUS (boy pov)

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You bring me into this happiness,
when you look into my eyes and
say such beautiful sentences.
These sentences are beautiful,
yet are pitiful.
Your scarry body
is no different than other's when it reflects the sunset.
It's the same beauty I'd see in you
perhaps you were not attacked.
The same mesmerizing eyes, and
the smoothest brown hair.
The same cute palms that
I would hold while we are bare.
The same soothing voice, and the songs you sing
that make my heavy heart lighter, like it got wings.
I can't describe how beautiful you are, though
I'd be exaggerating if I said you are the prettiest of all.
Your fate gifted you flaws
and somehow, I fell in love with those.

Yet you don't understand.
I've done nothing more than what I wanted,
and that I can't be a happier man than I already am.
I am not a prince like you say.
I'm a thief who ran into Rapunzel,
and fell in love with her while
bringing her out to the world.
You were a princess trapped since birth,
not a monster hiding from the Earth.
I found you and I felt pity when we were new.
But as time unknowingly flew,
all at once, everything is different.
Now that I see you.
All at once, you became my only escape
from this everyday life I knew.
You bring me into this happiness,
when you hide your face and blush to my
I love you.

I'm so in love with you.


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