~ Tree House ~ 5 ~

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~ Zelk's POV ~

Me and George talked a bit on the bench, suddenly I got an idea to take him to this secret tree house that only me and a few friends know about. It's almost like my safe space.

I debated whether or not to show him this place since only Zak, Darryl, Vincent and Mega know about this place, and they are pretty close to me.

I had this gut feeling that I should, and that I would get something out of it.

That's when i realized that i zoned out, again.

"Hello, earth to Jacob. You there?"
He asked as he waved his hand in my face.

"Oh- yeah, sorry! Kinda got lost in my own thoughts, again. Anyways, I was thinking of taking you somewhere, well, special to me.." I said as my face started to heat up, maybe I'm just sick?

"Ooo, where?! Can we go there now?" He said like a little child that got asked if he wanted candy.

"Its somewhere special, just follow me" I say as I slowly start getting up and walking over to the park exit, George following right behind me.

We exit the park and to through my back yard and into a forest. It's quite big, but I know my way around here pretty well, and there is a really special place in this forest that no one knows about, but its deeper in, and I dont feel like showing that place to anyone.

After about 5 minutes of walking,  we arrive to a quite big tree, that has a ladder going up it. The tree house is hidden in the leaves but it has cut outs so you can still see over the forest. It has some old furniture inside including a bed, couch and a small coffee table. It also has fairy lights around the walls to brighten up the place.

We sit down on the couch and and talk for a while. "So, you didn't tell me you and your friends had YouTube channels." He says.

"Oh! Yeah, we do. We just don't tell anyone because it would be a pain to get to class if people were asking for pictures all day and using us for clout." I sigh. Spifey laughs.

"I guess that's true." He says, and leans on my shoulder. At first I was surprised, but I didn't really mind.

"Um.. Can I ask you a weird question?" I ask in a whisper since he was just beside me.

"Weirder than you guys?" He giggles. "Just kidding, go ahead!" He smiles at me reassuringly.

"Do you.. Do you promise that you'll be my friend, no matter what?" He looks confused, his smile fading. He quickly smiles again and nods.

"Of course!" He replies cheerfully.

"Thanks.. That means a lot.." I smile. I think of an idea to scare him, just for fun. "Hey, do you wanna play a little game?" I ask with a big smirk.

"Sure! I love games! What do we do?" He replies cheerfully yet confused.

"First, I'll lay my head on your lap, then you'll tell me a creepy story about a cat." I reply. His smile slowly disappears and turns into confusion.

"But, how is it a game?" He asks confused.

"Something weird happens." I reply, shrugging my shoulders.


Timeskip to after the creepy story.

I sit up, and look at George. "Alright, now comes the creepy part." I say. I show him my back, which now had a cat scratch across it.

"Wha!?" He says, surprised. I laugh.

"That's the game, Cat Scratch!" He crosses his arms.

"Well, do you have any other games we can play?" He asks.

I shake my head."Nothing comes to mind." I say.

"Let's just talk, then?"


We talk for a while, about nothing in particular. Soon, George falls asleep, and so do I.

Timeskip to the next day.

I wake up in the treehouse to see that George is gone, and in his place is a note, so I read the note.

Hey Zelk! Sorry, I had to get home. Hope you slept well, though! Cya at school!

I stand up quickly. "im lATE FOR SCHOOL!" I yell to myself, leaving the treehouse quickly. I run home, get changed, and grab my stuff. I run all the way to school and down the halls, only stopping at my locker where Zak, Darryl, and Spifey were already waiting for me.

"Hey muffin! Where were you? School starts in like, two minutes." Darryl says.

"I overslept.." I sigh. George laughs. "Hey! What are you laughin' at??" I question.

"Nothing.." He smiles at me still giggling.

"Sure.." I reply. The bell rings and we all go to our classes. Zak passes me a note in the middle of class.

Yo dude did u show Spif the treehouse? Thought I saw u guys heading to it

I write down my reply when the teacher looks away.

Yeah, hope that's cool with u guys?

I hand Skep the note and he reads it. Instead of writing his response, he nods, eyeing the teacher. "Ahem, boys. Is there anything you want to share with the class?" She asks.

"Well, unless you wanna hear about my non-existent life, then no." Zak says and shrugs, causing everyone to laugh.

I thought that would be a funny way to finish this chapter. What do you guys think? Am I as good as Holo? Prob not but eh.
Virgil out!
(881 words)

Yeet yeet Hi X HERE!
Hope yall like VirgilWrites3377 since they'll be continuing this book so go read their books and show them some love!

Anyways sorry it took a while, stay safe, be kind and dont die 🖤


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