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The nightmares just kept getting worse and worse. Every night the same gruesome scene plagued Josh's dreams, taunting him and playing with his decreasing sanity. Josh knew he was getting closer and closer to his breaking point, he just didn't know what would happen when he reached it.

Since he went to Oliver's house last week after school, his dreams had evolved into something slightly different. Instead of running through a maze, he was now running through Oliver's house, except the rooms were distorted and covered in blood. The ending of the dreams were different too; instead of just seeing Oliver flash before his eyes, he actually had conversations with the curly haired boy now. Weird, weird conversations about things that terrified Josh, and yet somehow Oliver always managed to speak in a flirtatious tone that left Josh questioning his emotions.

He hadn't been back to Oliver's house since the night they studied Romeo and Juliet, not that that he had wanted too. Some of the things that Oliver said that night left Josh wondering if Oliver was actually a psychopath or just had a very twisted sense of humour. He could tell that Oliver enjoyed fucking with his head; both in his dreams and in reality.

So why did he secretly enjoy it so much? The feeling of someone messing with his mind and toying with him, gave Josh some kind of thrill deep down inside of him.

Josh sighed as he opened up google on the laptop that the kids at the care home shared, intending to do some online homework. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head that made him curious. He looked around him before quickly typing 'Oliver Sykes' into the search bar. Within seconds, the screen was loaded with thousands of different results.

Josh scrolled down until one articles headline caught his eye. He clicked onto the link which sent him to some local newspaper headlined "Anne and Joseph Sykes found dead in lake: no murderer found". A chill went down Josh's spine as he thought of the joke Oliver made the other day about him killing his parents, what if he wasn't joking?

He scanned though the entire article, even finding a couple of picture of Oliver himself looking a couple years younger then he currently is. The police still don't know who did the murderers: there was no fingerprints, no weapon found, no evidence at all. That scared Josh, a lot.

He quickly exited the website and carried on his stalking mission, curious yet scared to find out more. There were quite a few newspaper articles on Oliver's parents deaths, but Josh chose to ignore them, deciding he had freaked himself out enough already.

One thing Josh found weird was that Oliver didn't have any social media at all: no Facebook, no instagram, no snapchat. Nothing. It was like he didn't exist online at all, which was weird considering he was a teenager.

Josh quickly deleted his search history before closing the laptop, completely forgetting about his original aim to do some homework. He went back upstairs to his room to start getting ready for school. He lazily threw on his uniform before going into the bathroom and brushing his teeth and hair.

He trudged down the stairs and out of the door, where he found Jane waiting for him in her car. They drove to school like they usually did; in silence, not that Josh wanted to talk to her anyway.

As soon as they got to the school gates, Josh jumped out of the car, eager to escape from the silence between him and his social worker. He flashed her a sarcastic smile before making his way to behind the bike shed where he usually went before school to smoke.

Josh liked this little corner of the school, it was secluded and quite and no one really came here unless they were putting their bike away. He absentmindedly walked straight to the wall where he rested his body and closed his eyes, not even noticing the presence of someone lurking in the shadows.

"I can show you the knife I used if you want." A voice whispered into Josh's ear, their face so close that he could feel their nose against the side of his face.

Josh gasped and jumped away, glaring at a smug faced Oliver. The sick smile plastered across his face scared Josh; it scared Josh a lot.

"The knife you used for what?" Josh asked hesitantly, knowing he wouldn't like the answer.

"To kill my parents with, silly." Oliver laughed, his eyes gleaming in the morning light. "It's in a secret place but I'll show you where it is if you want."

"W-why would you keep something like that?" Josh stuttered, feeling disgusted yet...slightly intrigued. The blue eyed boy really couldn't figure Oliver out, but he kind of wanted to. He wanted to understand what was going on in the twisted mind of Oliver Sykes, the boy who plagued his nightmares.

"Because, darling, I might use it again when I find the right person." He winked, making Josh's entire body shake slightly. He didn't know if Oliver was doing this on purpose to scare him or if he was actually being serious.

"How do you know I'm not going to tell the police on you?" Josh snapped, sick of Oliver's power over him. He hated how much effect Oliver's words had on him, how scared a couple of words could make him feel.

"Because I can read your thoughts, Josh, and I know you're an intelligent enough lad to know that you wouldn't tell anyone if you know what's best for you." Oliver smiled again, his almost black eyes staring straight through Josh's.

"You can't read my thoughts." Josh scoffed. "And you know nothing about me."

"Oh really? I know that deep down you think I'm hot and that you like how much attention I give you." Oliver smirked, making Josh roll his eyes. He turned around to leave, no longer craving a cigarette.

"That's bullshit Oliver, I'm leaving." Josh announced, not looking back as he walked towards the school building. He could feel Oliver's eyes burning through his back.

"Meet me at midnight tonight." Oliver called, making Josh finally turn his head to look at his over his shoulder.

"Where?" Josh asked, confused.

"Anywhere you want, I'll come find you."


This chapter is so shit but I've got major writers block help.

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