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Josh had barely moved for days, instead favouring lying passively on the left side of the bed whilst he stared into space, only getting up to go to the bathroom when it was absolutely necessary. He only just acknowledged Oliver's presence; the hands that wrapped around his waist at night and fed him throughout the day, the voice that filled in the silence, the leg that knocked against his every so often. But apart from that his mind was cloudy, drifting through the dark room as it waited for the end to come.

It's funny, you never really acknowledge the hourglass until it's almost empty; you never hear the clock ticking until it's hands are almost at the top. Humans spend their whole lives in denial that one day it will end, that they will one day be nothing, instead pretending it won't happen until their hair starts to become grey and their skin becomes smothered by wrinkles. One day you're in primary school colouring in, and the next you're sat in a retirement home off your head with medication as the staff circle you like vultures, anticipating your last breath so that they can fill your room with some other miserable, old time bomb.

Josh had never seen the beauty in growing old, never understood why people desired it so much. Until now. Until Oliver gave him an insight into his future, one that would be short lived, where he would never get to see his hair turn grey and his skin begin to shrivel. Now it was all Joshua could dream about; buying a house, working an average job, coming home to kids and a husband, watching himself age uncontrollably. His imagination begged for it now. The mundane things had never seemed so thrilling, until now.

And that's the problem with humans, they never appreciate things until they've been taken away. They are greedy, selfish beings, never satisfied with what they have, always so blinded by their quest to gain more that they never stop to appreciate what they already have.

And now all Joshua had left was Oliver.

But not even that could last forever, could it?

The ocean eyed boy sighed into the covers, hugging them to his cold body tighter as he thought about his sad, pathetic life. He had lost everything: his parents, his home, now his lover, hell he even lost Jane, even if she was the moodiest bitch sometimes, Josh still cared about her deep down. Growing up he was pushed from one children's home to another, bounced between schools and friendship groups like he was in a pinball machine, never truly getting steady on his feet without the rug being ripped out from under him again. He never had anything of his own, it was never his bedroom, or his house, or his clothes, everything he was given was always owned by the government in some way or another. To the world, he was just another orphan trapped within the system.

Suddenly, the covers were ripped from his body, making the boy squeak as cold air smothered his skin for the first time in days. He felt a shiver pass through his body whole, goose bumps erupting from his ghostly pale skin as the gently breeze kissed it. With sunken eyes he looked up, a frown forming on his face when he noticed no one was there. With a grunt of annoyance he flopped onto his left side, rolling his eyes at Oliver who was sat in his desk chair with a smirk. The cold influx of air dragged his drifting mind back into reality, his blanket of warmth and safety now on a pile on the beige carpet.

The demon boy was sat tall, lanky legs crossed over each other casually as he leant his head against one of his closed fists perched upon the arm of the chair. He watched Joshua silently, his aura filling the room as it always did as his supernatural dark eyes glowed yellow in the darkness.

"Do you remember the day we met?" Oliver smiled devilishly, his gaze shifting upwards as his face lifted, the memory flashing behind his eyes like a scene from a movie. He let it play again and again in his mind, like a song stuck on repeat. Back then their lives were not intertwined, their history of fate not yet decided. Josh shook his head, sighing heavily as he dropped it back to the pillow.

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