Toy Story

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Imagine a real Buzz Lightyear becomes a human in this movie.


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(At the Gas Station)

Meanwhile, Buzz checks the surroundings. He flips open his wrist communicator.

Buzz: Buzz Lightyear mission log. The local female spy and I seem to be at a huge refueling station of some sort. 

Natalie whips around, her expression changing from panic to seething anger.

Natalie: YOU! (She charges at Buzz.)


Petrified, Natalie inches away from the tire, moving back under the truck until she bumps into Buzz.

Buzz: (into wrist communicator) According to my Nava-computer, the—

Natalie: (snapping) Shut up! Just shut up, you idiot!!

Buzz: Natalie, this is no time to panic.

Natalie: This is the perfect time to panic! We lost, they have a microchips, they're gonna use it in two days, and it's all your fault!!

Buzz: (shocked and infuriated) My-- My fault?! If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place--

Natalie: Oh, yeah? Well, if YOU hadn't shown up in your stupid little spaceship and taken away everything that was important to me—

Buzz: Don't talk to me about importance! Because of YOU the security of this entire universe is in jeopardy!

Natalie: What?! What are you talking' about?!

Buzz: (Buzz walk to the edge of the truck tire and points up to the stars.) Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg has been secretly building a weapon with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet! I, alone, have information, that reveals this weapon's only weakness. (pointing at Natalie) And you, my friend, are responsible for delaying my rendezvous with Star Command!

Natalie explodes.

Natalie: (screaming with rage) YOU... ARE... A... HUMAN!!! You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear! You're a-- Oh, you're an action figure! You are a child's plaything!

Buzz: You are a sad, strange little girl; and you have my pity. Farewell.

Buzz walks off.

Natalie: Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony!

Natalie walks away in the opposite direction.


Jeff gasps and leaps onto the bed and hides behind Buzz.

Jeff: B-B-B-B-Bu-- Buzz!

Jeff and Woody look on as the mutants have a tug of war as they grab all the Janie and pterodactyl parts, dragging them off into the shadows.

Buzz: They're cannibals!

Jeff gasps retreats back into the backpack.

Jeff cowers in the corner as Buzz enters. He punches a button on his chest.

Buzz: Mayday, mayday! Come in, Star Command! Send reinforcements! (pause) Star Command, do you copy?

No response.

Buzz adjusts his laser light. It emits a short BLIP.

Buzz: (aiming his arm out the pack) I've set my laser from stun to kill.

Jeff: Aw, great. Great. Yeah, and if anyone attacks us, we can blink 'em to death.


Sid runs out of the room. As soon as he's gone, Jeff jumps up SCREAMING, his forehead burning.

Jeff: (screaming)

Jeff was running towards the bucket of water on it and put his forehead on the water. 

Buzz: Are you alright? I'm proud of you, Jeff. A lesser man would've talked under such torture.

Jeff: (He touch his forehead) I sure hope this isn't permanent.

Buzz: (checking his wrist communicator) Still no word from Star Command. We're not that far from the spaceport --

Jeff's eyes light up. Sid's bedroom door can be seen in the reflection. It's open.

Jeff: The door! It's open! We're free!!

Buzz: Jeff, we don't know what's out there! (Woody runs for the door. Buzz follows.)

Jeff: I'll tell you what's... [screams]

THE MUTANT TOYS suddenly appear and block their path to the doorway. Jeff hides behind Buzz.

Jeff: They're gonna eat us, Buzz! Do something quick!

Buzz: Shield your eyes!

Buzz fires his laser at them. The little red beam just flickers against Babyface's head. The mutant toys look confusedly at each other.

Buzz: It's not working. I recharged it before I left. I-It should be good for--

Jeff: You idiot! You're a human! Use your karate chop action!

Grabbing Buzz like a hostage, Jeff fends off the mutant toys by pushing a large button on Buzz's back, making Buzz's arm involuntarily "chop" up and down.

Buzz: Hey!! Hey! How are you doing that? Stop that!

Jeff: (to mutants) Get away! Hoo-cha! Hoo-cha!

Jeff circles around the mutant toys to the open doorway, continually chopping Buzz's arm.

Buzz: Jeff, stop it!!

Jeff: Sorry guys, but dinner's canceled.

Jeff drops Buzz and runs out the door.

763 Words

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