Sonic the Hedgehog (2020 Trailer)

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Imagine there is a real Sonic the Hedgehog in this movie


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Robotnik is then seen approaching Jeff's house.

Robotnik: Good morning, my rural chum!

Jeff: [extends hand] Mister...

Robotnik: Doctor Robotnik.

Cut to inside Jeff's house, where a combat robot extends its miniature rocket launchers. It scans Jeff, Karen, Tim, and Natalie's head.

Robotnik: I'm going to give you five seconds to tell me where it is.

Sonic, having emerged from hiding underneath the table, holds his hands out.

Sonic: Wait! Don't hurt them!

Robotnik screams at the sight of Sonic, and Jim uses this distraction to deliver a punch to the doctor's jaw.


Sonic, Jeff, Karen, Jeff, and Natalie are in the car.

Sonic: Road trip! Woohoo!

Jeff: [sighs] This can't be happening...

Sonic: Oh my God, stop the car right now!

Jeff: What? What?!

Sonic sees a billboard up ahead.

Sonic: The world's largest rubber band ball? We gotta see it!

Tim: No, this is not some fun family road trip—

But Sonic is already out of the car. He returns a second later with a few rubber band balls and cap.

Sonic: Eh, you're right. It was lame. Gift shop was cool, though.

He plays with a paddleball, and Jeff, Karen, Tim, and Natalie looks at him incredulously before his gaze returns to the road.


Cut to Jeff, Karen, Jim, Natalie, and Sonic at a BBQ. Sonic is wearing a fedora and western outfit.

Tim: [voiceover] We gotta lay low.

Natalie throws a dart at a dartboard. It hits dead center.

Sonic: Lemme show you how it's done.

He throws darts rapid fire at the dartboard. However, they hit everything but the dartboard.

Sonic: So should we get out of here?

Natalie: Yeah. Time to go.

Cut to outside.

Sonic: I always wanna do this!

He slides along the hood of the car, barely missing a takeout tray, before swinging around the front and landing in the passenger's seat.

Sonic: Nailed it!

Cut to a road. One of Robotnik's armored car-like robots is driving after Tim's car. Sonic looks on from the back window.

Sonic: Uh-oh.

The robot readies a harpoon. Sonic leaps out of the car and spin-dashes toward the robot.

Sonic: Here comes the boom!

He slams through the robot, sending it skidding onto its side in a shower of sparks.

Tim: How are you not dead?

Sonic: [dancing] I have no idea!

Cut back to Jeff, Karen, Tim, Natalie, and Sonic on the road in their pickup truck. A miniature robot hovers toward Sonic's window.

Sonic: Aww, this one is cute. Let's keep him.

But it proves otherwise, as it begins to saw into the car.

Sonic: Who-hoa! Come on! You got car insurance, right?

The robot succeeds in removing the entire roof of the car. Jeff, Karen, Tim, Natalie, and Sonic cry out.

Sonic goes stir crazy in their hotel room, including pulling out all the tissues from a tissue box, turning on and off the TV, and having a pillow fight with himself. At last Sonic, having just showered, sits on the bed across them.

538 Words

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