A few weeks later...
(because going to the boarder of North Korea and China would take a long time)
China's pov
A solider walked in the room and brought me a cute sleeping girl that had the shape of Korea on her face. "Wake her up," i said. The soldier shook her until she opened her eyes to see me. "Leave..." i commanded to the soldier. He left. I walked towards her, examining her. I didn't know this country. Is she related to North? Is she the twins brother's sister? I'll ask her." I thought to myself. I walked a bit closer and she took a few steps back. "W-Who a-are y-you?" She whimpered. Someone came out of the other door, and it was USSR! I didn't know he was here. He looked the girl and asked "Who is she?" The way how he said it was very cold. He probably thought it was a capitalist country. "I don't know," i said truthfully "North wanted to see if there were any survivors with a flag on its face, like us."
(Y/N)'s pov
I looked at both of the men near me. The one with the yellow hammer and a sickle eye patch looked very intimidating. The other with yellow stars on his face seemingly knows my brother North. "Do you know my big brother North?" I asked. They looked at each other shocked and the one with the eye patch walked towards me. I took a few steps back from him. He looked down at me. I am really short compared to these guys especially the one with the eye patch. I thought. He replied with my question with "Yes, both of us do," "I was going to have a meeting with him." I saw me brother walk in and say to the eye patch, "USSR and China, I-," He looked at me and i looked at him. I ran towards him and hugged him tighter than i have ever before. He hugged back. "So she is your sister." I look to see the one with stars say with a shocked expression on his face. I hid behind North. "(Y/N), meet USSR and China." The one with the eye patch, who is probably USSR, walked towards me. He asked my brother "Is she a capitalist country?" I didn't know what that word meant. "Brother, what's a capitalist?" i asked with an questioning look. All of them looked at me like i had shot someone. "You didn't tell her what it is?..." said the one who's China. "She doesn't need to know that," North said. "Is it bad? Will it hurt me? Will it hurt you? Will it hurt your friends?" i asked with a worried tone. North looked at me and replied with "If you stay with me, you'll be safe. Ok." I sighed in relief. USSR walked to me and patted my head while saying "Don't worry, those filthy capitalist won't hurt you," I smiled and said "Thank you USSR," USSR said "Just call me Soviet," I replied with "Ok!"
North.K's pov
I just realized, she hadn't eat'n anything. "(Y/N)," i said, "when's the last time you ate?" She looked at me and said "Well, i don't remember," I yelled to one of the nearest soldiers "GET HER SOME FOOD AND NEW CLOTHS!" one of them ran and grabbed her. They took her away while she would rest. "Why didn't you tell us about her?" China asked me, Soviet nodded. "I thought she was with South," i replied, "but he left her..." i continued "If he wouldn't protect her then i will." I walked away from them to go ask my sister a few questions...
Chapter three done UwU